Strange Frequencies

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In the moments after Theo kills the chimaera on the hospital roof, he confronts Stiles about the death of Donovan at the school. Theo claims he was at the library to witness the end of the fight between Stiles and Donovan. He says he heard the scaffolding fall and saw the body. He then witnessed Stiles leave the school and the arrival of the police car but did not see who took the body.

Theo suggests they take Josh's body from the roof as a way to find out who is stealing the other chimaera bodies. Theo says he killed Josh in self-defence because "he was going to kill you and me." He leaves the choice of taking the body or making up a story for the police to Stiles but says he doesn't want to ask him to lie to his father. Stiles says he's had plenty of practice lying to his dad.


Hayden leaves Sinema in a hurry after learning about werewolves and Dread Doctors from Liam. He tries to show her he is sincere by flashing his werewolf face at her. She punches him in the nose and drives away. Brett approaches Liam. 

"Well that went well" Brett says.

"She's a chimaera" Liam explains.

"Which means they're coming for her" Brett realises and helps Liam up, they both start running.


Later Hayden stops the car to catch her breath. Her knuckles are bloodied from punching Liam but as she rubs them with her other hand, they heal.

Her radio begins to speak in the voice of The Surgeon saying her (or your) "condition improves."

Hayden's car sputters and dies. She tries frantically to get it started again but the engine won't turn over. In the distance she sees the Dread Doctors walking toward her. The locks on her car doors automatically engage. She unlocks them but they relock immediately. The radio, tuned to 91.5 FM, begins saying her name over and over. Her side-mirror cracks as does the windshield.

Brett tears out her sunroof and Liam grabs her out of the car. They run away from the Dread Doctors.


At the animal clinic, Stiles and Theo show Scott and Selene the body of the chimaera from the hospital roof. Scott says his name was Josh and he was a junior. He assumes that one of the Dread Doctors killed him and Theo lies and agrees with him.

Stiles changes the subject to what they should do with the body. They agree, since Tracy's body was stolen from the clinic that they should stand watch over Josh to see who comes to claim him. Theo agrees to stand watch saying "It's not like I had a big Saturday night planned."

"I'll stay too" Selene says and Scott nods. He gets a text informing him that they've identified another chimaera.


Scott and Stiles arrive at Scott's house to find Hayden has locked herself in the bathroom. Liam and Brett apparently brought her to the McCall House after their escape from the Dread Doctors on the road. Scott can hear her heartbeat and says she is freaked out. Stiles tries his luck getting her to open the door saying that her sister works with his dad and they just want to help. Scott says he's there to help but will break the door down if he has to. She opens the door, her eyes are glowing yellow. She has fangs and claws.


Kira and her dad carry two boxes into his classroom. She complains asking if "this was really necessary on a Saturday morning." He thanks her for her help.

Ken leaves to fetch another box from the car. Kira hears the unsheathing of a sword and turns to find her mother attacking her. Kira seems to have left her sword and Noshiko hands her one. They fight with her mother continually taunting her in Japanese, demanding to know "who are you" and "show yourself, kitsune." Kira's eyes blaze orange and she fights back harder. Her aura flares around her body and she strikes back at her mother, breaking her sword and leaving her defenceless. Noshiko falls to the floor and Kira rears back for the killing blow.

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