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Parrish pursues the Beast. Gerard and Chris follow behind in an SUV. Gerard has the Surgeon's cane/sword. He says it is the pike Marie-Jeanne used to kill the beast in the 18th century. Chris questions if the cane/sword will kill the Beast. Gerard says, "You're damn right it will." 


Stiles has just brought Mason's medical chart, obtained from Melissa, to Deaton in hopes that he can share some insight.

"Vanishing twin syndrome...?" Deaton asks.

"This is part of your expertise, right?" Stiles asks.

"Not particularly, no" Stiles frowns in disappointment as Deaton studies the chart. Just then, a loud noise is heard as Liam, Selene and Scott appear in the doorway, holding up The Surgeon, who is gravely injured.

"He's still alive!" Selene says.


Theo is badly injured after his last run-in with the Beast. Tracey helps him back to his lair. Theo seduces and kisses her. She apologizes because she's "not like the others" and therefore can't take his pain away. He stabs his claws into her to take her power. She struggles but he manages to absorb her power and kill her. Deucalion says, "And then there were none." 


A near-naked dead body lies in the road. Sebastien is in a car. The device is unfamiliar to him until he manages to access Mason's memories and "remembers" how to drive. 


Braeden is outside the front door of the McCall House, peeking around the doorway inside where the Desert Wolf is lurking downstairs. Up in the hallway, Malia is dialling a number into her phone when her mother shouts up to her.

"Who are you calling, Malia?" The Desert Wolf asks. Malia immediately stops typing and shares a concerned look with Cheryl and Reed. "Is it Stiles, your boyfriend? Tell him to come. Bring all your friends, if you want" Malia hesitates, clearly torn between her desire to call for backup and her unwillingness to put her friends in more danger. "Go ahead, Malia. You tell me how many people I'm going to have to kill tonight" Malia shares another look with the two other teenagers before turning off her phone.


The Surgeon is laying on the exam table while Stiles, Deaton, Scott, Selene and Liam surround him, looking concerned.

"Can you keep him alive?" Scott asks.

"I'm not sure he technically is alive" Deaton replies.

"Screw keeping him alive! How do we get him to talk?" Liam asks.

"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough..." Stiles adds and Selene chuckles at the two. Deaton gives Stiles a look, just as a loud whispering is heard.

"Come..." Liam frowns and looks at the others.

"Did you hear that?" Liam asks.

"I heard that" Selene says and her eyes glow red as she starts to walk towards the exit.

Suddenly, The Surgeon bolts upright and causes an ear-splittingly loud noise to ring loudly throughout the room, which forces Deaton, Scott, Liam, Selene and Stiles to cover their ears with their hands. While they're distracted, The Surgeon stands and gets ready to leave. He pushes Selene out of the way. Liam growls and lunges toward him before Scott can stop him.

"Liam, wait!" Scott yells.

The Surgeon turns and causes an electromagnetic concussive blast that shoves Liam backwards into the wall behind him before he crashes to the floor. The Surgeon walks out the door and raises his hand before he walks into the parking lot, which causes all of the metal furniture to fly toward the door to the exam room. Liam gets to his feet, rubbing his sore neck, but when he and Scott start to chase after The Surgeon, Selene stops them.

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