Words hurt

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(POV : Alex)


*Alarm goes off *

"Ugh , why havent I gotten rid of this thing , All it does is ruin my day"

I always hated waking up early for school. Its just a constant reminder of the shitty things that lay ahead. Im just going to pull out random clothes because its monday , mondays are never good. I wasnt the typer if person to regularly choose a nice outfit for the day , I dont like to dress to impress. I just like being comfortable , but I guess nobody gets that. I was brushing my teeth as my mom was making breakfast. I finally finished so I can walk to the kitchen and chomp down on the food.

"Where are your manners young man?!" My mom said

I gave her a bland stare and rolled my eyes. I dont mean to be rude , it just happens sometimes. You know?

My mornings were always the same so I never expected anything to change. I picked up my backpack and opened the front door.

"I love you mom" I shouted on my way out

"Love you too" I heard her yell back

I wonder if this was just going to be another shitty day. I finally got to the bus stop as it arrived

"Next time your late , im not going to wait for you" my bus driver said angrily

I looked at all the people on the bus , trying to spot out a seat. I walkwd through the aisle and one by one each person gestured to me that they didnt want me to sit with them. Finally I got to a seat , this boy. He had light brown hair. It looked like silk , with the sunlight beaming from his window seat onto his hair. He looked so beautiful. I asked him if I could sit but he didnt reply. But then I realized he had earphones in , so I slowely moved into the seat until he noticed me. He looked up and took the earphones out of his ears and gave a welcoming smile.

"Hi im john , whats your name" he said

I was a little shy , but I didnt want to be rude. "Hi im alex" I said

I finally just sat in the seat . The bus ride was sort of awkward due to the fact that we sat in utter silence. And the moment I have been waiting for , to end the silence , the bus pulled up to the front of the school. As I walked out all I could see is girls wearing expensive clothing while slurping on starbucks , and strong guys wearing school spirit wear. So there you have it , my school is populated with steroid addicts and air heads. On my way to first period Living Environment (im a freshman) , I passed a group of boys. I didnt know any of then , neither did they know me. They pushed my into the lockers and threw my books on the floor.

"Why is there a fag in our school , huh little fag? Are you going to answer" one of them said

"Please , leave me alone" I said as I gasped for air

They pushed me on the floor and kicked my books. The first thing I did was pick all of my things up , and then I ran to the restroom. I tried to hold my tears in before I got there. But it didnt work. As soon as I got in , I went into one of the stalls and locked it. I sat on the toilet weeping to the point where no more tears came out. I reached into my backpack , and grabbed something. Something that I have used too many times to count. It was a blade. I pulled my sleeves up , I put the blade on my wrist. And then I finally did it , blood dripped down my hand by the time I was done. I sat there in silence , listening to the blood slowly drip down my wrist. I hated life so much , so why would I care if it ended? I would be so much happier. I just sat there , crying in pain. Emotional and physical , all at once. I started to feel light headed , I cried so much that no tears came out. All of a sudden , my eyes started to slowly close. And then everything just went black.

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