Black And Blue

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(POV : John)


After the movie theater , I headed back home. I opened my front door and walked into the kitchen , to the sight of my dad , drunk. I have came home to this many times , but it was different this time. I opened the fridge to get bottled water as my dad asked "where were you?". "I was with Alex , at the movie theater." I said. "Oh , that fag  that you like to hang out with?" He said , in a deep raspy voice. "Dad , leave him alone. He's really nice and he deals with enough shit at school" I said angrily. "What the hell did you just say to me!?" He yelled. He got up and threw a bear bottle at the wall. "Ever since your mom died , all you have done was talk back , get into trouble , and treat me like shit. Do you think I deserve that? Huh! Answer me!" He yelled. A tear was trying to force its way out but I pulled it back in. "No , I'm sorry" I said. "Yah , your gonna be sorry" he said as he walked towards me slowly. "Dad , what are you doing?" I said as I was about to cry. "Teaching you a lesson" he said as he grabbed me by my neck and shoved me into the wall. I was trying to catch my breath while repeatedly asking him to stop. "Stop , please!" Came put of my mouth as little puffs of air. He threw me onto the floor and kicked me , once in the back , twice in the stomach. Then he walked away , and left me on the floor , bleeding , hurting , crying. I picked myself back up after he left. I slowly walked to my room , I pulled the blanket off my bed and crawled into it. I just layed there , "I hate it here". I soon passed out , finally , peace. I woke up the next day for school , I got out of my bed but I felt pain all over. I looked in my mirror and took my shirt off , it was all purple , black and blue. Bruises now covering all the spots where my dad kicked me. I got dressed , and walked to my bus stop. Even though school sucks ass , it was my peace place , you know what I mean? I sat by Alex , I grabbed his hand and held it. No words came out of my mouth. I didn't care what people thought , not anymore at least. There small worthless opinions shouldn't lead me to a life time of hiding who I am.I leaned in on Alex and kissed him once , and then twice. People were staring at us. And some people even gasped. I smiled as did Alex. We walked off of the bus holding hands , walked into school holding hands , and I walked him to class holding hands. I heard some people whispering "ew" , "fags". But I didn't care. All I knew is that I was happy. After a lifetime of bullshit , this is one thing I should be able to feel , happiness.

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