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        I have no idea where I'm going. It was way too early to go to school, 7:14, and I haven't been here in forever so I don't know where any good coffee places are. I rolled my eyes. My phone. I got a new phone on Saturday, and me being a dumbass hadn't even thought of looking up coffee places. I snorted. It's been sooo long since I've used a phone.

There's a supposedly nice cafe about 5 miles from where I was, so I headed there.

I parked my bike, and headed into the modern cafe that was already pretty full. Once I was inside, I got into the long line, and looked at the menu, trying to see what to order. Suddenly I get shoved from behind and crash into the person in front of me. I quickly balance myself and turn around, ready to bitch at the person who pushed me.

        "Oh my god Scar is that you?" I gasp as I look at the person who bumped into me.

        "Hazel!" My best friend launched herself into my arms, and I caught her, hugging her tight.

        "Oh Scar! I haven't seen you in, forever! Where have you been?" None of my friends know I was in juvie, they all just think I left with my parents to go somewhere and stayed there. They just don't know that my parents got killed, and I got shipped to juvie.

        I pulled back from her and grinned. I've always been jealous of how pretty she was. Hazel is pretty petite, around 5'1, pretty quiet and smart. She has the prettiest honey colored eyes, and a golden skin tone. She also has curly golden brown hair.

"I've missed you." I told her, purposefully ignoring her question. We moved out of the line when some grumpy old man started 'subtly' trying to cut us to get ahead of the line.

"Oh my god are you coming back to school?"

"That's the plan."

"Soo much has changed, ok so remember that girl that we used to hate when we were little..."


By the time 8:15 rolled around, both of us were shocked at how long we were talking.

"Oh god we're late we're late we're late..." Hazel mumbled as she all but stumbled to the door of the cafe that we've spent all morning in, and ran to her car. I jogged after her, and saw her jump into a blue jeep.

"I'll follow you!" I yelled at her as I ran over to my bike and revved it.

We got to the 2-story school at 8:28, even though it was 30 mins away from the cafe. The only free parking for Hazel's car was all the way in the back, so I followed her and gave her a ride to the doors so she wouldn't be too late. I didn't give a shit if I was late to be honest.

        I parked the bike on the sidewalk next to the front doors. Hazel grabbed my hand and dragged me in. She already knew her schedule so she raced to her class, after telling me where to find the office. I sighed, she really hates being late. I followed her directions to the back of the school and found the ginormous office. The secretary looked up at me and smiled.

"Hi sweetie, how can I help you?"

"I need my schedule, I'm new." I told her.

She pursed her lips, no doubt of my lack at using 'ma'am.' I didn't care though. My parents never taught me to be polite. She handed me my schedule and locker number and told me that the senior classes are all on the second floor.

        8:32. I was just going to be in 1st period for like, 15 minutes. I headed up the stairs and started looking for locker 1179. My locker was near the back of the long hallway. The senior wing of the school was just a long hallway with a lot of doors of different classes in between. I knew downstairs was the cafeteria and gym. I put in my combination and opened my locker. I didn't bring anything except my phone so I looked to see what my 1st period was.

1st period: English
2nd period: Gym
3rd period: Science
4th period: math
5th period: general music
6th period: lunch
7th period: history

I looked for room 28, where my english class was held. I opened the door without knocking, and was met with a hell of a lot of eyes looking at me. I let my lips fall into my signature smirk and looked around the room, letting the class look their full. They must've thought I was cocky. Let them think that, It'd be better than them knowing what I really was.

The male teacher finally stopped staring at me and spoke. "I'm assuming you are Scar Blake?"

I leveled my glare at him. "Naturally."

I heard murmurs around the class. It took all my control not to start laughing when I heard some guy murmur, "Holy shit she must be Jaxon's sister." The Blake family was known around here apparently.

"You're late." The teacher said to me.

"Nah shit." I looked away from him as the class started snickering and looked around. There was a seat in the back that was empty and I sauntered to it and sat down. The teacher kept looking at me, no doubt debating whether to give me detention or not, then finally decided not to and kept talking about whatever it was he was talking about before.

        I felt a hand on my arm and looked down at it, then the person who had the balls to touch me in the first place. My eyes widened as I saw JJ, my best guy friend from elementary school smile at me.

       "I knew you'd come back to me S." JJ said to me in a joking manner, but I saw small tears form at the edge of his wide eyes, as if he wasn't sure I was real.

        I didn't give a shit about the teacher as I got up from my seat and went to hug the best friend I had missed so much.

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