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"What are the chords of the ukulele everyone?" Our 5th period music teacher the small class of 10 kids, including me, JJ, and Kai.

"A, B, C, D!" JJ yelled out, sounding very much like a three year old reciting their ABC's.

The teacher stared at him, as if trying to make herself believe he's not that stupid.

"No, it's G, C, E, A."

"I think it should be A, B, C, D." JJ said as he smacked some random kid who was sitting in front of him with his ukulele.

"Ow." Random kid exclaimed and turned around to see who hit him, and when he saw JJ smiling maniacally at him he paled and turned back around.

JJ was definitely the crazy one of our group, and was known for his many pranks he does around the school.

We were in the back of the classroom, JJ and Kai sitting on either side of me. I turned to look at Kai because he was quieter than usual. He was sleeping, his legs kicked up on the back of the seat in front of me, the girl sitting in it crouching uncomfortably with one of his feet dangerously close to her face. I rolled my eyes and kicked at his feet, knocking them down and waking him up in the process.

"Ahh!" He slurred as he came to. "Why'd you wake me up?" He said, glaring at me.

"We're in ukulele class, you and your Hawaiian ass should be excited." I said jokingly.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Shut the fuck up." Then promptly falling asleep.

I rolled my eyes and looked at JJ again. He was now playing with random kids hair, trying to tie it in a knot. I slapped his arm.

"Stop, just play on your ukulele."

He glared but complied and started singing Lava.

"I have a dreamm, I know will come trueeeee, that you're here with meeeeee and I'm here for yo-" He said, plucking at the ukulele until I practically felt my ears bleed.

"Holy hell, shut up." I growled.

"Gosh, so mean." He said.

I pointed at the teacher who's been trying to get the classes attention this entire time.

"Ok students, today we'll be learning a new song..."


"Guys guess what I learned? You know Rudolph, well now I can..."

JJ was telling our lunch table about all that he learned in music. He reminds me of a little kid telling his parents about his day.

The only person who was listening to him was... no one. Hazel and Olivia were talking across from me, Liam and Kai we're both sleeping, Damon and Ryder were tradition lunches, and JJ was right in my ear talking about anything and everything. Well damn, he wasn't annoying anyone but me.

"JJ, I love you, but you need to shut the hell up, I just want to eat my burger."

He looked down at the burger, looked up at me, then looked down again. Suddenly, he snatched the burger and threw it to Ryder, who didn't think twice that a burger was just thrown at him, and ate it.

"You dog!" I screamed at Ryder. "That was mine!"

Damon, after hearing me, snatched the burger out of Ryder's mouth and handed it back to me. "There you go."

Should I eat it? Should I eat the slobbery mess of a burger?

I did. I was hungry.

"Ew, you ate it." JJ exclaimed. Then smiled. "Aw, I love you, you eat nasty shit too." Then he hugged me.

JJ is an interesting creature.

"Hey hands off." Liam said to JJ who was still crushing me into his hard chest.

"Why?" JJ said mischievously.

"Because I said so." Liam growled.

Well damn. I extricated myself from JJ's grasp and sat up. The rest of my lunch was mysteriously gone. I looked at the only person at this table who eats like an actual pig.

"Ryder, did you eat my fucking food?"

He burped. "No."

"Lie again, I dare you. That burp smelled like my cookies."

"I did not eat you-"

I suddenly pounced across the table and grabbed his throat. "Motherfucker!"

Suddenly I was yanked off him from the waist and placed in a lap. I looked up at the person who had the audacity to stop me from murdering Ryder. Damon. I stopped squirming and sat limp in his lap, still pouting.

"We still have twenty minutes, wanna go get something from In N' Out?"

( a/n: i have no idea where i said they lived before soo i'm thinking cali rn, plz tell me if you remember )

I smiled up at him and nodded. I heard a loud thump and feet padding away. I looked to see who was leaving the cafeteria. Liam. Damon grabbed my chin and made me look up at him.

"Let him go. He's just being pissy."

I hesitated, then nodded. I just wanted to go eat.

a/n: as I said above, if anyone knows where they live, please tell me because I don't want to reread this cringy ass book :) also all these chapters are fillers, obviously. i'll be getting into actual progression of the book in a few chapters

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