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Damon's POV:

She was hiding something. I knew it. I'm pretty sure she knew I did. But I wasn't going to pressure her into telling me something she wasn't ready for. We've only known each other for a week.

I looked at Liam who was texting someone on his phone as I was driving to his house to drop him off. I was tempted to just throw him off a cliff and not take him with me, but I don't think Scar would let me.

"Get out." I told him as I parked in front of his car.

"Pick me up in an hour." He told me and slammed the door as he walked out.

        I ran my hand roughly through my messy black hair. Liam and I used to be really good friends, but the fucker didn't understand when I told him to stay away from a certain girl.

        I got to my house and walked in. Silence. Like always. I headed to my room, passing my parents room and looked in. My mother was lying on the bed, not moving, just how I left her this morning. I frowned and walked in. She was in the middle of the bed, her thin hand stretched out to her right, as if she expected Dad to be there, He wasn't. He never is.

        "Mom?" I asked, sitting next to her and softly taking her hair out of her face. She had her eyes closed, whimpering slightly in her sleep.

        I shut my eyes, not being able to see her like this, kissed her on the forehead, and stumbled to my room. I didn't want to leave her, but I knew my aunt was coming this afternoon to stay with her this weekend, so I knew she was going to be taken care of.

        "Fuck!" I growled, and punched my wall. I hated my father. He made her like this. He took away her happiness, without me knowing. He beat her, then leaving once I found out. He was always scared of me since I turned 14 and was already 40 pounds and 5 inches taller than him. I hated myself more though. If it wasn't for me, Mom wouldn't have stayed with him for as long as she had.

        I got a suitcase and stuffed it full of clothes that would last me at least 2 weeks. Scar was nervous, and I planned to stay with her for as long as she needed me to. Damn. I haven't been this interested in a girl since freshman year, and that was just cause of my dick.

        I grabbed my bag, waited for my aunt to get here, then left. I headed to the gas station to buy a bunch of shit for the road, and got some packs of gum for Scar, literally the only thing she eats.

        Pick me up. Liam texted me as I was leaving.

        I didn't reply, but I swerved and drove to his house.


Liam's POV:

        We got to Scar's house at 3:40. I hurried out of the car before Damon and practically ran to the door. I still remember the words. Don't do near her. Stay away from her. She's it for me. No. I'm not doing that.

Scar opened the door and I immediately smiled as I looked at her. God she was beautiful. Her eyes looked at me through her long dark eyelashes. They were the lightest grey, which reflected the color of everything around her. Her dark hair was in a mess on top of her head, but that only made her more attractive. She suddenly shifted her eyes away from me and to something behind me, and her smile became softer. Of course, Damon's here now. All is right with the world.

"Jaxon hurry up they're here!" She shouted as she stepped out and closed the door, a duffel bag on her shoulder. Before I could grab it, Damon stepped around me and grabbed it from her and winked at her. I looked away, not being able to watch.

Jaxon thankfully stepped out in that moment, and he sent us the address of where we were going if we got lost behind him.

"Scar, are you going with me or your friends?" Jaxon asked.

"Scar, come with us!" I told her, hiding my sadness behind comedy.

"Yeah, I'm going with them." She laughed and headed to Damon's car, claiming shotgun. I guess I was going in the back.


Scar's POV:

        Damon got in the drivers seat, and Liam got in the back, while Jaxon was driving in his red convertible. I noticed that something crunches under my feet and I looked down and gasped. There was a bunch of chips and drinks and candy on the ground. I squealed, and looked over at Damon, who was staring straight ahead, but smiling.

        "You did not get this all for me!"

        He chuckled. "I got you the gum..."

        "And all the other stuff." I replied for him jokingly, grabbed a pack of gum, and started chewing two pieces.

        I looked back at Liam, who has sprawled across all the seats in the back and was frowning at his phone.

5 hours later

        "Oh my god I wanna kill myself, why did I ask to come with you?" Liam asked, groaning.

        I shook my head. "I told you you really didn't want to come with me."

        "Liam shut the hell up it's not like you've been driving for 5 hours straight."

        "You both are babies." I replied, as Jaxon pulled into a gas station.

15 hours later

Me and Liam are now driving the two cars, Liam with Jaxon because he claimed he wanted to get to know my brother, and i'm with Damon.

        "Let's play something." Damon said as he was leaning his head on the window, and his hand was laying on my thigh. I glanced down at his hand, and back at him, but he only smiled.

        "What game?"

        "Truth or dare."

        "I'm driving, I can't do any dares."

        "Fine. Only truths."

        I looked at him from the corner of my eye. He had his eyes closed, but was now drawing little circles on my thigh with his index finger.

        "I want to get to know you better." He said when I still haven't replied.

         "Hm. Ok."

"I'll start. How long have you
liked me?" I choked on air when he finished the question, and he had to hold the steering wheel as I tried to stop.

When I calmed down I looked at him, annoyed. "You're an idiot, you know that."

He chuckled and squeezed my thigh. "How long?"

"Never, I do not like you."

"Whatever you say."

"My turn. Do you have siblings?"

He stayed silent for a little while. "I had a little sister." He finally answered quietly.

I didn't breath. God, I shouldn't have asked that.

He took a deep breath. "Ok, we can't lie anymore. Got it?"

"Yeah yeah."

He grinned. "What do you look for in a guy?"

I looked over at him, and immediately looked back at the road when I saw he was staring directly at me. "Um... hot, funny, caring, protective, loyal..."

He looked over and grinned. "Guess who's all of thoseeee?"

a/n: next chapter... you're gonna sip some teaaa, i'm trying to speed up the pace and get some of the romance and drama going... but yea it's still trash :/

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