Bruises from a lover

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I sway my hips to the music as I was taught. Jimin is in Japan and Jungkook is distracting so I asked Juho since he's an amazing dancer. The down side to him is his interest in me. I told him how I felt and he brought up Jungkook.
At the time Jungkook and I weren't together.

His hands grip my hip when I move them wrong. He fixes my movement slowly without saying a word.

"I THINK-" Jungkook comes in anger in his eyes "That this bullshit is over. Hyung Hoseok will be off break soon and Jimin is coming back soon. Taehyung may be a singer but he can dance. And if you were trying to make me jealous...he wasn't the way."

I'm trying to move from Juho's grip but he's hella strong and I really don't wanna break a hip. "Jungkook...were just dancing. What's so wrong with that?" He sways my hips and does the same to his. He pulls me back against his groin.

"Let me go,"

"We're dancing,"

"L-let me go," he tells me to play along on my ear and that everything will be okay. But the feelings of his groin against my ass scares me.

"Let me the fuck go. I'm not playing this! I told y-" With one hit from Jungkook he released and fell. I can feel his finger prints still.

"I told you a long time ago he was taken. Come on Yoongi." He grabs my stuff and my hand before we leave.

"I'm okay you know. He only did that because you were there."

"He left bruises on your hips. And you you you! You're fucking mine! That whore."

"Just make bruises over them. So that until they heal, when I look at my body or you...we know who I belong to,"

"W-what?" I walk over to Jungkook and straddle him as he sits on the couch. "Jungkook kiss me," So he does. The kiss is hot and rough. It's impatient and needy.

"Let's stop," We both have raging hard ons but stopping makes sense. But I don't want to do I lean down and capture his lips again.

"Good morning," Jungkook's morning voice is hot. All raspy and deep. Busan dialect taking over.

"Morning," I feel the smile on my face. Stretching out my cheeks. "Why are you all happy?"

"We had sex. No, we made love," he nods to every word I say. "That sounds weird to say...Made love...we were already in love though." He laugh pulling me into his chest.

"Don't change Hyung, never."

"I won't unless it's needed, change is inevitable babe,"

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