Happy times

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Wei Ying was resting under the magnolia tress with his eyes closed. He was daydreaming about his future with lan zhan. He dreamt about him and lan zhan getting marriage and settling their live as a farmer. LAN zhan doing all the farm work and him doing all the household chores and at night time they sleep together in one bed embracing into each other arms. His dream was disturb by Jiang Cheng who was screaming at him to get up.

"What the hell Jiang Cheng I was dreaming about my lan zhan."

"Your lan zhan is looking for you. He call you in his Jingshi. You Better not make any noise. Mine room is next to you. I didn't even got a blink of sleep yesterday cause you are so loud during your sex."

"It's not my fault."Wei Ying pout. "LAN zhan is so good that I can't control myself."


"Okay I'm going Bye Cheng Gege"

"You shameless!!!!!"Jiang Cheng scream

Hahhahahahhahah Wei ying laugh

Wei ying went to Jingshi he find Lan zhan playing Wangxian melody on his Guqin. Wei Ying looked at the man and he got struck by the beauty of the other man.

"I like it when you play wangxian!!!!"

"Mmmmm after all its your song."Lan zhan said shamelessly. Wei Ying went to him and kiss on his earlobe. "Wei Ying it's still Day time"

So what I can eat you every time. Next few minute they had already taken off their clothes exchanging kiss and body pressing into others body. Soon Jingshi was surrounded by the sound of Flesh Pressing flesh and moan and groan. After their 3th round they both were so tired. Wei Ying held lan zhan into his arms and murmured "I loveYou" in lan zhan ears.

I love you tooWei Ying.

They both got up and get ready for dinner.

"Wei Ying I have to go to ghost realm for few days."Wei Ying eyes widened.


"It's regarding the matters to maintain the peaceful act between Ghost realm and Gusu."

"Your uncle and brother settled this matters right??"

"Brother is not here and uncle is sick so I don't have any other choice. I promise I'll be careful."LAN zhan said holding their hands together.

"Lan zhan I want to come with you so that if something goes wrong that I can protect you."

"No you are staying here and feeding our babies."LAN zhan point it towards the bunnies.

Wei Ying used his weapon he pout so cutely which lan zhan said It's not gonna work this time. "And it's very danger mission. I don't want you to get hurt because of me. When I returned then I'll do 5 round with you."

"Okay but I'm still worried about you."

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine if something wrong happened then I'll run to you then you can save me."

"If something wrong happened then you have to call me okay??"

"Okay I'll." LAN zhan pressed his lips on Wei Ying lips.

Lan zhan left after some days. Wei Ying was reluctant to let Lan zhan go.

Today was Wei Ying birthday. He turned 18 years today and lan zhan was supposed to come in Evening. He went to Caiyi Town to get some Emperor Smile. He got four of them and he was happily leaping around. A child came to him and point to his forehead asking about the mark on his forehead. Wei Ying don't know what the child was talking about but he felt so hot out of nowhere. He went to river and saw his reflection that there was indeed mark on his forehead. He had never saw this mark before suddenly he felt so hot Gavy  it felt like his whole body was on fire. He went inside the river to cool down and it's works. After 10 minutes he got off from the river and saw that the mark was gone from his forehead. He was so dumbfounded he don't know what was going with him. He took his Emperor Smile and left for Gusu. He keep thinking about what happened earlier. He thought that someone cursed him and he decide not to tell lan zhan and make him worry over filial things.

There was person in the cloak hiding behind the tree who's as watching Wei Ying every move.

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