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Wei Ying sat on his throne all alone. Waiting for Jiang cheng to appeared. The door sung open it was Song li her clothes in covered blood.

"Your Majesty please save the Lan Emperor."Jiang-

She didn't have to finished Wei Ying had already rushed towards the lan zhan room. His heart throbbing so fast.

"Jiang Cheng let him Go!!!!"

Jiang Cheng sat on the chair while lan zhan on the floor. "Look who is here to save you."

"You have a problem with me not with him. Leave him alone."Wei Ying has realized that Jiang Cheng has used invisible barrier and he can't go inside the room.

"Yes Yes I have problem with you. Those Three days I have thinking how I should hurt you. I wanted to pierce my sword through your body but then I realized if you die then it's not fun at all. So I have decided to hurt the person whom You care about the most"

"Jiang Cheng please he's Innocent. LET HIM GO. You can do anything you to me. But don't hurt him anymore please..."

"INNOCENT?????"Well Xichen and parents were also innocent but you kill them all.

"I was the who kill them not lan zhan. Let Lan zhan Go..."

"Haha Hahahaha Wei Ying I want you know how it feel to be left alone. I want you feel how I felt seeing his Dead body. I want you to feel how lonely the world becomes. I want you to feel how hard it is to even breath. I want you to feel all of that!!!!! The only person who can make you feel is lan zhan. So I decided I will kill him."

Wei Ying blood run cold. He screamed on the other side. "Don't you dare to hurt him. Jiang Cheng Stop!!! I said Stop!! STOP"

Jiang Cheng grabbed his sword and stop his movement after all the other person is best friend. Lan zhan himself push the sword and pierced right through his heart. Jiang Cheng take out his sword some blood of lan Zhan spread on his face. LAN Zhan fell on the floor his face facing to Wei Ying who right now was screaming trying his best to break through his barrier.

Jiang Cheng remember the conversations they share before Wei Ying came.

" I knew that you'll cook for me, Jiang Cheng."
LAN zhan smile at him.

" I thought of killing you but I can't when it's you."

"Are you not gonna do it even if I ask to?"
Jiang Cheng shake his head.

Do you remember you owe me one. I help you with your love letters to Gege. Remember.."
Now, it's time up repay. Please I can't anymore. If you didn't then no will do it and I can't carry on like this. Pleaseee"

Back to present:

LAN zhan look at Wei Ying who broke the barrier this time. He rush to lan zhan pick him up from the floor and put his head on laps.

"LAN Zhan.... lan zhan...."Wei Ying stared at the person who was bleeding so much. His scalp gone numb looking at lan zhan. He kept screaming the guard to call the Doctor. "Hang in there lan Zhan"he said to him.
Wei Ying started to transfer his spiritual energy to the person on his laps. Then he realized he himself was the one who destroyed his Golden Core. Wei Ying panicked he then used his hand to stop the blood by pressuring by his hands.

LAN zhan raised his hand and touch his cheek. Wei Ying cheek were now covered with lan zhan blood.

"Wei Ying even after everything I still hadn't stop loving you. Don't cry too much. Don't be sad. I am leaving my peach blossom tree to you so that you won't feel too lonely. You are still very Beautiful. I had always love you." lan zhan said in his hoarse voice. Wei Ying can't believe what lan zhan just said to him. He don't understand how can Lan zhan love him after everything he did to him.

The person on his laps stop breathing and closed his eyes. Wei Ying clutched him tightly. LAN zhan body started to get cold. Wei Ying pick him up on the bed and wrapped him in blanket.

"Lan zhan you don't like cold right. It's okay I'll keep you warm. When you wake up Tomorrow morning I'll take you Caiyi lake. You really like going there right. It's been ages since we went there. And after that————- "

Song li bow her head as respect. She started to wept. She don't want to believe that the only person who treat her nicely was now dead.
Wei Ying kept talking to the corpse. He didn't want to believe that lan zhan is dead. So he act like lan Zhan is sleeping.


After 13 years

"Did you heard the love story of demon king??"Group of merchants discussing in the tea house.

"No!!! "One of the merchant said.

"What you didn't????Were you born yesterday..It's very popular... it's a story of Demon king with his Emperor lan Wanji."

"I still feel bad for Demon King."Other girl merchants said.

"What is there to feel bad. I heard he had 3000 concubines. He may have already replace that emperor with one of his Concubine."The boy merchants said.

"Shhh Lower your voice" that girl merchant warned.

"Why I'm not scared of anything!!!!"

"What did you say????"Someone yelled from the other side of table. "Take back what you say right now!!!"

"About what??" The boy merchants was confused.

"About Demon king replacing lan Emperor with concubine."

"No I will not take it back. Isn't that true by the way." The boy merchant said proudly with his chins up.

"You ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!"this time he kick him on his chest. The merchant boy fell on the table breaking it in pieces.

And then the boy left.

The other merchants help their friend to get up.

"I told you to lower your voice."

"Who's that Asshole????"

"His name is Wèn NING. The brother of Wèn Qing one of the concubine of demon king but according rumors they don't have those kind of relationship. They were more like siblings. After Wei Wuxain left the palace with Lan Wanji body he left the palace in her hand."

"Where is the Demon king now???"

"Some people said that he commit suicide . Some said he went far away."

On the other side of the village there's a house inside laid a body and by that body someone was sleeping right next to it.

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