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Todoroki's POV

I was watching Bakugou. He wasn't acting like himself. When he quickly left the classroom I knew something was up so I went to check if he was alright.

"Bakugou? Are you in here?" I ask. There's no response. "I saw you run in here." I say.

After a few long seconds he yells, "I'm fine, Icyhot so fuck off." It wasn't as loud as I'd expected.

"You don't seem fine." I say, no emotion in my voice.

"I said fuck off! I'm fine!" He still wasn't the loud Bakugou I know and....tolerate. I just stood there for a few seconds, wondering if he were going to come out. It started to get uncomfortable.

I heard the toilet flush and the sound of the stall unlocking. Bakugou came out looking a bit sick. 

"What are you still doing here." He tried to shout. I could tell he was trying to be cocky and aggressive. But why? Why was he putting up this front.

"I was just making sure you were alright." I say.

"How many times do I gotta tell you I'm fine."

I shrug and leave the bathroom, sighing. I stay out in the hall, listening in. After I few seconds I hear glass shatter. I gasp, small and almost inaudible. I look down and walk back into class.

It isn't long before Bakugou walks back into the classroom. Everyone's eyes are on him. Including mine.

"What are you extras staring at!" He shouts. I turn back continue talking to Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka. He lays his head on his desk.

Aizawa's POV (never thought that would happen but I think it would be best for this scene)

The next day I comes into class. I want to sleep but I have an announcement to make.

"Settle down children. I have an announcement."

Everyone looks at me, some with excitement, others with wonder.

"Because of the recent incident." I successfully try not to look at Bakugou.

"We will be adding dorms to the school." The students freak out.

"Dorms! We can all be Roomies!" Mina cheered to Uraraka. Who cheered with her, getting all the girls to join.

"You'll get to choose who your dorm mate is. Two to a dorm. Choose carefully. You move in by next week."

"Hey Tsu. Wanna be roomed with me." Mineta asked Tsuyu.

"And before I forget. Girls can only room with girls. Boys only with boys." I say, after hearing Mineta's question to Tsu.

"So cruel!" He says.

"Roomies?" Denki asks Kirishima.

"You know it's Bro! We'll have the manliest dorm out there."

In the end, everyone had a dorm mate. Everyone except Bakugou and Todoroki.

"Well I guess you two will be sharing a dorm."

"No way. I'm not sharing a dorm with stupid Half 'n 'Half. You're out of your mind!" Bakugou tells me.

"Well do you prefer to room with someone else?" I sigh.

"Yeah. Myself."

"I'm afraid that isn't possible." Bakugou just hit his hand on the desk. No one was surprised by his reaction.

Todoroki's POV

I was planning on rooming with Midoriya but he had already chosen to be roomed with Iida. My last few choices where Mineta, Bakugou and Sato. I wanted to see what was up with Bakugou.

Since when was I worried about Bakugou? We were enemies. But even so, he seems off. He isn't acting himself, in a way. I decide I'm going to try talking to him after school.

The bell rings signifying lunch time. I get up and leave with Midoriya and friends, looking at Bakugou who quietly sits there watching as we all leave.

When I'm sitting in the lunch room, I look around but I can't seem to find Bakugou. Iida notices me looking around.

"Are you looking for something, Todoroki?" He asks. "Maybe I could be of some assistance!"

"No it's fine." I nervously laugh it off. We continue to eat, and the entire time Bakugou doesn't show up.

Maybe he ate somewhere else. I thought to myself.

When lunch is over everyone is back in class. I look over at Bakugou who is laying his head on the edge of the table. Then Midoriya catches my attention.

"Hey Todoroki! Want to do a study group after school with me, Iida, and Momo."

I want to talk to Bakugou but I can't say no. So I agree. I'll try to talk to him tomorrow.

Only problem was he didn't show up. When Aizawa called attendance he asked if anyone knew where Bakugou was. Kirishima raises his hand.

"He texted me that he wasn't going to be here today. Apparently he's really sick." There we're worried looks and conversations.

"I hope he's alright." Hagakure said.

"It's Bakugou. A little sickness won't keep him away. He'll be back tomorrow just watch." Kaminari said.

I hoped he was right. I wanted to talk to him. Aizawa just continued to take attendance and started the lesson.

I can't deny that the next day, when Bakugou came in I was really happy. It almost looked like he was okay. But I could tell he wasn't. He wasn't speaking as loudly as usual. He wasn't yelling at all. Was I the only one that noticed? When did I start caring about Bakugou anyways. When did I start watching him.

I shrugged the thoughts off. The important thing is he was okay.

I tried to talk to him at lunch, but when I went to find him, he was no where to be found. I checked the cafeteria, bathrooms, classrooms. He wasn't anywhere. But he was in class after lunch. So where'd he go?

I decide to wait and talk to him after school. I occasionally glance at him a few times in class. He doesn't seem to notice, gladly. No one does.

When finished with school for the day I make sure I'm the first to the front gate, so I don't miss him leaving. I wave goodbye to all the people I know who are leaving. Sometimes they  stayed and talked more. During all that Bakugou didn't show up.

Did I miss him? Was there another exit? As far as I know was only this one. I wait a few more minutes. Those minutes turned into an hour. I keep waiting. It'll be dark by the time I get home. What was he doing? Did I miss him. I try to wait for a few more minutes. I sigh. He isn't gonna show up. I probably did miss him.

I start to walk and don't get 5 steps away before I hear a quiet voice behind me.

"Todoroki.." it was Bakugou.

Word Count: 1112

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