Field Trip Pt. 2

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Bakugou's POV

So far the trip was going good if you don't count the rain, wind, and occasional large tree branch falling. Once it was almost an actual tree, but we all stopped it with our quirks. It still fell but not in our direction. It felt awesome to fight the wind. Come at me nature! Can't defeat me.

But you know what can defeat me? Everyone in our class. I'm way behind because of my absence from training. We weren't fighting each other but it was obvious they were all getting ahead.

At the end of the third day there Aizawa gave everyone a thumbs up and told them how to improve. For them it was only short things like, make sure to account for how the wind and rain will affect Mina's acid attacks and shit.

But with me he told me more than everyone in the class. I'm fucking weak. I'm weak and everyone knows it.

I stayed calm the rest of the day. Tried so hard not to break. When we were finally done I went into the cabin with everyone else. They wanted to check on me and talk to me. See if I was okay because I had been particularly quiet because I knew if I spoke more I'd break down.

Before any of them could talk to me I made my way to the bathroom and locked the door. I melted to the floor and cried silently. Knowing if I were any louder they would hear me. Shit why was I so terrible. Why can't I get any better. Why am I so weak???

I kept silently crying. I subconsciously dug my fingernails into my palms, harder and harder until they started bleeding. The blood dripping onto the floor.

"God damnit why am I such a fuck up." I yelled quietly. Not quiet enough as I immediately heard knocking on the door. The pounding of the door was light and quiet but it rung in my ears and collided with my heartbeat. Making it faster. I'm suffocating. I can't breathe.

I crawl away from the door, the pounding is still loud. Blood from my palms dripping onto the floor. Fuck. I cover my ears from the pounding. Blood from my palms getting on my ears. I try to dig deeper into my palms, causing more blood. Everything is suffocating me. I'm sweating and shaking. Shit shit shit. Why is the room spinning? Shit.

Todoroki's POV

"Is Bakugou going to be okay? As class president, it is my duty to help everyone. And as his friend. It is also my duty to help him." Iida stated.

"I'm sure Kacchan is fine and just wants to be left alone for a little while." Midoriya tried to sound optimistic.

I walk over and lean against the wall, shrugging when I hear it. "God damnit why am I such a fuck up." Comes Bakugou's voice from the bathroom.

I walk over to the door and knock on it as slowly and calmly as I can. There's no answer.

"Bakugou?" Still no answer. I look at everyone, worried. They all share the same look. I knock again, this time a little louder. I raise my voice a little, "Bakugou!?" Still not answer.

Midoriya walks over and uses his hand and quirk to blast the door open. When he does and we look into the bathroom, the sight is horrifying.

Bakugou is in the middle of the bathroom on his knees, shaking and hyperventilating. His hands are bloody along with his ears and parts of his hair. Drops of blood are scattered around the floor leading up to him.

Before everyone can go up to him I hold them back.

"Let me. All of us will just overwhelm him." They quickly nodded and I walked into the bathroom closing the door.

"Hey, Katsuki." I say quietly. He either ignores me or cant hear me. I walk over to him and bend down. I slowly wrap my hands around him and put his head to my chest.

"Bakugou. Listen to my breathing." I make sure he can hear me. I breathe in and out slowly and calmly. We stay like that for more than a few minutes. Bakugou finally calmed and isn't shaking anymore. His breathing was also normal.

"Katsuki?" I say.

"Shouto." He leans his face deeper into my chest.

"What happened?" There was silence before he answered.

"I feel weak. I'm behind everyone. I can't do this." He'll continue to get weaker if he keeps doing that to his hands.

"Katsuki." I slowly pulled him away from me and looked into his eyes, he looked at mine, "You are not weak. You're the strongest person I've ever had the chance of meeting. No matter if you think you're weak or helpless. To me you are strong and confident. And you always will be. And I'll do everything in my power to help you realize that. Because things will get better."

Before I could tell what was happening Bakugou's lips quickly crashed into mine. And they left as quick as they arrived.

"I'm sorry. I was just-" I stopped listening. And I fully understood. Why I care so much about him. Why I want him to be happy. I mean I want Midoriya to be happy but not like this. But I get it now. Damn I'm dense.

I crashed my lips back into his. He I like him. No I love him. And I never want to let go of him.

Word Count: 923

So like I'm not really sure about this chapter but here y'all go haha

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