4. Accidental Overhearing, Not Eavesdropping

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You watch yourself in the mirror as you brush your hair, getting ready to leave for the memorial service for Harlan at his mansion. Ransom is still feeling ill so you're going without him.

Your phone buzzes with a text message. You reply to it quickly before heading downstairs and grabbing the keys to the Beemer as well as your coat on the way out the door.


You spot Meg walking Marta into the house as you park. With a sigh you walk into the house as well, not looking forward to the family's bad attitude.

"Ransom. Little shit. Missed the funeral," Richard finishes just as you step inside.

"Excuse me!" one of the officers calls out. Trooper Wagner was it? "Uh, we're ready for you now. We'd like to see you one at a time."

You glance over at Richard, Linda, and Marta.
"Alright. I'll go first, I'm assuming this will all be wrapped up before the memorial tonight," Linda states, walking off into another room.

"We'll do our best, ma'am," Trooper Wagner reassures her, not that she's listening to him anymore.

They close the door behind them. You look over at Marta and purse your lips into an awkward smile which she returns. Richard doesn't look up from his phone.

"How're you doing kiddo?" Richard asks aloud. You're not really sure if he's talking to you or Marta so you both just stay silent as he continues to text. You nod for Marta to follow you as you lead her upstairs to a better room to wait in.


"We're just gonna reintroduce ourselves as a formality," you hear the other police detective say in the room below you. "I'm Detective Lieutenant Elliott, and this is Trooper Wagner."

Marta plays with her hands nervously as you both listen to the questioning. You can tell she's not looking forward to her turn, you know she can't lie. It makes her puke. You'll certainly never forget that game of mafia from the last 4th of July...

"Now, I'm going to record this, just to make things easier," Elliott commences. You listen as they introduce Linda and offer their condolences.

"So, we understand on that night the family had gathered to celebrate your father's 85th birthday?" He asks.

"Yes," answers Linda simply.

"How was it?"

"The party? Pre-my-dad's-death? Oh, it was great," she replies in a monotone voice, hinting at sarcasm.

"Did anyone besides the family show face?"

"Uh, Fran, the housekeeper. Marta, Harlan's caregiver. Good girl. Hard worker. Her family's from Ecuador. Y/n, my son's fiancée. But she left early. Sweetheart, really. And Wanetta. Great nana. Harlan's mom." Did Linda really just compliment you? First time for everything.

"His mom? Wow. How old is she?" Elliott asks, impressed.

"We have no idea," Linda replies, earning a quiet chuckle from you.

"Okay, um, and your son, Ransom, did he attend as well? You mentioned Y/n, I assume they came together?"

"Yes, but they both left early. At different times."

You hear a note play from the piano in the room. Who would be playing the piano during a questioning?

There's a moment of silence before Lieutenant Elliott continues, "Right, um... Would you say that all four of you showed up around the same time?"

"No," Linda sounds hesitant, trying to recall exact details to the best of her ability. She continues, "Richard came early to help the caterers set up."

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