10. Wily Relatives and Wills

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You all walk into the room where the will is to be read. The library. Same place you were all questioned in. Ransom sits in the back, away from everyone since he has been written out of the will. You walk over to the chair next to him, ready to sit.

Ransom hums in disapproval, causing you to tilt your head slightly in confusion. He smirks slightly and you catch on. You go over to his chair instead and sit on the arm of the chair, like you did earlier in the sitting room.

"Better?" You ask, smiling slightly but trying to hide it.

"Almost," Ransom wraps an arm around your waist and tugs slightly, pulling you onto his left leg instead. He rests his chin on your shoulder, watching boredly as the will reading commences.

"Well, thank you all for getting together like this," Alan begins, "it isn't legally necessary, but I thought since you're all in town and some of you are leaving soon-"

"Excuse me," your father interrupts him quickly, gaining everyone's attention. "Uh, I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to gently request that you all stay in town until the investigation is completed."

Joni looks at him as if she's been offended in some way.

"Yeah, well, he's gently requesting, but I'm gonna have to make that an order. No one move until we figure this all out," Lieutenant Elliot declares.

"What?" Linda asks, slightly shocked.

"Can we ask why? Has something changed?" Joni questions.

"No-," Blanc states firmly, opening his mouth to continue.

"No, it hasn't changed? Or no, we can't ask?" she specifies.

"Mr. Stevens," Blanc addresses Alan, ignoring Joni, "you may continue."

"Right. Well," Alan picks up where he left off. Everyone looks at each other in shock. Ransom doesn't seem to care. He just starts playing with the chess board next to the chair, trying to occupy himself.

"The other reason I thought this gathering would be, uh, beneficial is because Harlan altered his will a week before he died," Linda and Richard turn to look at Ransom as Alan says that. You look up at a bookcase to avoid eye contact.

Ransom gets bored of the chess pieces and starts playing with your hair instead. Alan continues, "He sealed it. He asked me not to submit it to the courts for probate until after his death. So, if anyone is confused about anything, we're all together, we can talk. Although, I don't imagine any of it is going to be that complicated."

You look back at everyone in the room. They all seem to be getting antsy. They know what they want and they all expect it.

Oh, what you wouldn't give to see their smugness stripped away. To see them realize that they're not entitled to anything because of their 'birth rights' or whatever shit they'd claim it is.

"Uh, Harlan's assets included..." Alan trails off, looking over the sheets. His assistant points to something on the sheet.

"The house," she states.

"The house," he repeats, "which he owned outright."

Linda reaches over and grabs Richard's hand, giving it a squeeze. You know she's always wanted this house. Makes sense though, it is a lovely house. It's like living on a Clue board.

"60 million."

"Yes. 60 million in various cash amounts and investments."

Joni nods. That's her goal, of course. Without Harlan's financial support, you don't know what she's gonna do. Some small part of you wants her to get at least some of it. At least for Meg. She's intelligent, witty, and a hard worker. She deserves to go to a nice school for a solid education, you don't want her to lose that because her mom can't afford it.

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