16. Epilogue

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Ransom's trial is coming up soon. His father hired a big time, expensive lawyer to defend him. You had been asked to be a witness for the defense. They're trying to use voluntary intoxication as a defense. Ransom admitted to taking ecstasy at the time of the party. They could use that to say he was "unable to form an intent to commit a crime therein" or whatever.

Thinking back, you should have noticed earlier. The night he came home after the party he was acting odd, you thought he was just drunk but he didn't smell like alcohol. After a bit of research you saw how obvious it should've been. Sweating, emotional warmth and empathy, restless legs. All signs of ecstasy use. At the will reading he was in especially high spirits and not just from knowing the family would be told they're losing everything to Marta. After Marta confessed to both of you, he acted oddly. Apparently mixing alcohol and ecstasy can cause dehydration. That explains his extreme thirst and loss of consciousness. All in all, probably not a bad defense. Might lessen the charges at the least.

You walk into the police station. Elliott and Wagner had given permission for you to see the case files on Ransom's case due to how personal it is for you. A female looks up as you enter. She gives you a kind smile and you naturally gravitate towards her, not sure what to do and feeling too anxious to ask just anyone.

"Hi, um, I was told I could see some case files?" you mess with your hands behind your back nervously.

"Ah, yes, I was told to expect you today. Last name?" she looks down at her computer, waiting for you to give her the last name of the person you'd like to see the case files of.

"Blanc," you reply, misunderstanding her and thinking she's asking for your last name. She types that in and nods for you to follow her. You do and she leads you into a private room while she goes to grab what you need.

You sit in one of the chairs at the table in the small, empty room. It probably would creep you out if you weren't at the police station.

Before long the woman comes back and places a box on the table, giving you a kind nod as you thank her before she leaves. You take a look at the box. "Cold case," you read the stamped marking quietly to yourself.

Ransom's case isn't a cold case, they have all the evidence they need and it's going to trial in about a week.

You open the box to see their mistake. You had given the wrong name. Instead of receiving everything on Ransom Drysdale, you had received everything on your mother. 'She died in the hospital. Natural causes,' you think to yourself. That's what your dad told you. You find the death certificate and scan it over quickly.

Manner of death: Homicide
Cause of death: Multiple stab wounds

"Dad... why would you lie?" you quietly ask aloud. As one mystery leaves your life, another always presents itself. But this time, it's personal.

Before I lose anyone, yes there will be a sequel! And yes, it will continue into Y/n's future with Ransom as well as this new twist. Thank you all so much for reading this, I'm still in shock that it's done this well. It's truly been a pleasure getting to write and have people enjoy it and give feedback! Thank you all for the support!

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