14. Knives Out, Beaks Bloody

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"Y/n, just talk to me," Ransom begs.

You continue to ignore him, crossing your arms over your chest and watching as Marta centers herself in the doorframe. Everyone focuses their attention on her. She moves her arms around, trying to find a comfortable stance. Her mouth opens and closes a few times as she anxiously searches for the right words.

"You've always been good to me," Marta begins.

You watch as your father puts on a pair of reading glasses, opening a sheet of paper. All you can hope is that it is indeed the tox report.

"And what I'm about to say," she continues, "isn't gonna be easy and you're gonna be upset. But I thought after what you've gone through the last few days, that you deserved to hear it from me."

Walt hums and shoots you a smug look. You roll your eyes and look back over to your father. In a few quick steps, he is at Marta's side and he quickly cuts her off before she can admit anything.

"Excuse me!" he interjects. The room stays silent and everyone's attention is drawn to him. "You have not been good to her," he states bitterly. "You have all treated her like shit, to steal back a fortune that you lost, and she deserves. You're a pack of vultures at the feast! Knives out, beaks bloody! Well, you're not getting bailed out, not this time. Ms. Cabrera has decided, definitively, not to renounce the inheritance."

"What?" Walt demands, echoed immediately by Marta.

"Furthermore, it will be my professional recommendation to the local authorities that the manner of death in the case of Harlan Thrombey is ruled as suicide! And the case is closed," your father states.

"Blanc?" Marta, tries to stop him.

"What?" Random questions aloud, looking to you for an explanation on your father's sudden outburst. You shake your head, not wanting to try to explain one on one.

"Thank you all for coming. Goodbye," your father quickly leads Marta out of the room, to her bewilderment, and towards the library. You squeeze your way past Ransom and the rest of the family to follow after them.

"Are you gonna tell me what the hell is going on?" Marta asks.

"Yes," Blanc confirms.

"I just wanna come clean, okay? It's over."

"Almost," he assured her.

"Blanc, what are we doing? What's going on?" Lieutenant Elliott inquires.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes, "Officer Wagner. Keep the family out of this room, and get 'em out of the house if you can. But stand by with your additional officer."

"Get the family out?" Wagner asks.

"Yes, but not all of them" your father whispers something to Trooper Wagner. You imagine it has to do with Ransom.

"Blanc," Elliott calls his attention back, "Come on, come on, what's all this drama?"

"Indulge me," he pleads.

"It's kind of how he works," you add.

"Blanc, I told Ransom and Y/n, Ransom and Y/n told you, and I'm telling you now, it is an immovable fact that I killed Harlan."

"Yes, you did, yes, he did, yes, she did, yes, you are. But... but I spoke in the car about the hole at the center of this donut."

"Do you have to relate all your cases to food?" you wonder aloud.

Blanc sighs before continuing, "And what you and Harlan did that fateful night seems at first glance to fill that hole perfectly. A donut hole in a donut's hole. But we must look a little closer. And when we do, we see the donut hole has a hole in its center. It is not a donut hole, but a smaller donut with its own hole and our donut is not whole at all!"

You squint your eyes slightly.

"Blanc, look, I understand that this is amusing for you-" the Lieutenant begins, only to be cut off mid sentence.

"Why was I hired?" you father asks rhetorically. "Why would someone hire me?"

"Someone fishing for a crime to reverse the will, Blanc. Come on."

"But I was hired before the sealed will was read. So, yes, the person must have known the contents of the will. But one step further, that same person must have known a crime was committed, and further if the intent was to reverse Marta's inheritance-"

"They must have known that Marta was responsible," you finish as your father finishes putting tape over the labels of two bottles.

"An intriguing combination of factors," your father agrees. "Someone who knew what Marta did wanted to expose it but could not reveal how they knew."

"Fran!" Marta says, as if it's the obvious answer. Blanc turns to her, wanting to hear her explanation. "She was blackmailing me. She knew what I did."

"Yeah, but Fran wanted money," you reason, "ergo she did not want the crime exposed."

"What if someone in the family had observed Marta doing something suspicious?" Lieutenant Elliott ponders.

"But they would have had no reason not to speak up," your father refutes the idea with a sigh, placing the taped bottles on the table. "The answer is not so simple." He sits in the chair in front of the circular knife display. Aesthetic. "Now with the entire solution in my field of view, thanks to Y/n, the arc of this case is a tragedy of errors. Marta, it will not be easy for you to hear. But there is at least one truly guilty party behind it all, guilty in the true sense of acting with malice and committing a heinous crime with selfish intent. Trooper Wagner."

"Trooper Wagner?" Marta asks, shocked.

"No," you sigh and shake your head slightly.

Wagner walks in, holding Ransom's arm firmly.
"Marta, I'm so sorry. I told them everything. I figured it was up. I'm sorry," Ransom apologizes instantly.

You refuse to look at him, your morals begin to conflict with your heart.

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