Chapter 2:Duck lips

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-Your POV-


You tried to stop yourself from laughing as you took a picture of the brunette.


"Eh?.......Eh?!?!?!?!" The brunette exclaimed as he stared at you in shock.

You winked at the brunette."Where you expecting a kiss,Eren~?"

-Eren's POV-

Wha- (0/////0)

I wanna kill myself now..

No!I have to focus!


"How did you know my name?" I asked as I tried to keep myself calm.

Breathe in....Breathe out..


What the?!

"I stole your I.D." The h/c-haired male stated so calmly as he waved my I.D at my face.

"How did-"

"It was very easy to steal."

"Give it back,you Moron!" I glared at the male,making him chuckle.

"Aw,my puppy is angry~"

-Levi's POV-

What is that brat doing..?

We sat quietly as we waited for a brunette to exit his room.

"Maybe Eren is injured-"

"Shut up,Armin.That is not possible!"Jean shouted.He was getting impatient.

"But think of it,possibly-"

"We literally left him in his room for a minute!"

Mikasa couldn't take it anymore and kicked his door down.


Couple of seconds have passed,Mikasa exited his room with a serious look on her face.

"Eren isn't here,he is kidnapped.."The female ravenette stated,her protective mode is activated.

Are you fucking serious?

Why does that brat get kidnapped so quickly?

I let out a sigh.

Where could he be-


My phone vibrated,I got it out of my pockets and unlocked it.


Why is there a picture of Eren with his duck lips..?

Is he trying to kiss someone?

"Well that's disturbing..." Sasha commented as she looks at my screen.

"There's a message along with this picture." I stated and scrolled down my phone.

Want to get Eren back?
Go to xxxxx

How cliché..

I closed my phone and looked at the cadets."Eren is at xxxxx,that's where his kidnapper took him."

"We're coming for you,Eren!" Mikasa shouted as she ran ahead of us.

This is a disaster...

Troublemaker(Levi x Male Reader)(Detective Au)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें