06 | Hazel

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Chapter Six: Hazel

Christopher remained eagle-eyed for the rest of the night at Jason's party. He didn't want the girl he kissed to slip by right under his watch. He wasn't even interested in partying anymore. He looked around for her friend Brooke later on but didn't see her either. He couldn't believe they've been attending the same school since 9th grade. She's probably the quiet unpopular type. She's actually pretty, to be honest. So is her friend. He eventually decided to crash and went into Jason's room.

"What's wrong man?" Jason had asked him when he told him he wanted to sleep.

"I'm just tired dude," he had answered faking a yawn.

Jason shrugged.

The thing is that Christopher couldn't sleep immediately. When he closed his eyes, he kept remembering how his lips moved in sync with hers. The kiss wasn't even deep but it seemed to have trapped him.

What the hell is this?

I've never felt that way when kissing anyone not even Ivy when they were together, he had thought.

And the worst part is that he doesn't know her at all, not even her name.

And come to think of it, the kiss didn't get deepened but it sure was intense. She pulled away before he could deepen it.

He tossed and turned on the bed until he finally said "Fuck that stupid game" and drifted off to sleep. The sleep that he dreamt about her, the girl he kissed.

His mission is to find her and get her out of his system quickly. That's exactly what he wants to do.

Now it's Monday and he's determined to find her.

He MUST find her.

That would be his 'raison dêtre' for today.

He would find the black-haired, hazel-eyed girl he kissed.

He decides to give her his name for her.

He decides to come up with a name for her.

He can't keep calling her that till he finds out her real name.

It's way too long.


He would call her Hazel!

Because of her eyes.

"Hazel," he whispers to himself as he drives to school. He walks into school after parking his car in the parking lot.

As he enters the front doors, he tells himself to keep his eyes wide open in search of Hazel or at least Brooke, her friend.

He finds his way to his locker, still looking at faces cautiously.

"Hey man," Jason bumps him with a shoulder.

"Hi," Chris replies. "Where's Max?"

"Homeroom," Jason replies.

"Okay," Chris says as the bell rings.

"Off I go," Jason says and walks away.

"Bye," Chris mutters.

He makes his way to his first class and enters. He scans all faces present before taking a seat at the back. He then busies himself with Twitter on his phone.

Then the teacher walks in and announces the commencement of the class.

Just then, Christopher looks up and notices a girl with black long hair seated a little closer to the front. He becomes alert and perks up in his seat.

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