15 | Those Bitches

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Chapter Fifteen: Those Bitches

"Why did you do that?" Brooke asks immediately after they get settled in the car.

"Do what?"

"Why'd you tell Cole that?" Brooke glares at Stephanie.

Stephanie shrugs smirking. "I don't know. Just wanted him to know the truth, I guess."

"Truth? What you exaggerated and FYI, nobody asked you for the truth," Brooke tells her gruffly.

Stephanie bursts into laughter.

"Payback is a bitch."

"He'd think I'm head over heels for him," Brooke whines.

"Aren't you? Suck it in," Stephanie retorts.


Stephanie laughs, "You described yourself with the perfect word."

Brooke narrows her eyes at her but starts smiling after some seconds.

Stephanie's laugh is contagious.

Then she remembers something and frowns.

"Why did you run off in the morning?" Brooke inquires.

"Run off? I didn't run off, I had to get to class." Stephanie scoffs.

"Oh don't bullshit me, Steph. That's exactly what you did on Saturday."

"No. It wasn't. I didn't wanna talk to him, okay!" Steph exclaims.

"Would you ever want to talk to him, huh?"

"I don't just understand," Stephanie huffs.

"What don't you understand?"

"Why does he suddenly know I exist? Why is he trying to talk to me? Why? Why B? We've been in the same school for three years B. Three years. This is the fourth year. He has never said hi to me. We've never talked to each other before. Why now, B? Can you tell me the answer to that, huh?" Stephanie rambles.

"A lot of people don't know you exist because of the wallflower life you decided to be living, Steph. Chris is one of those people and he found out about you when you guys kissed during the game."

"I get it. I still wanna remain that way but why does he wanna talk to me? I'm pretty sure he kisses new lips every night. Does he want something more from me? Because if he does, he won't get it. He's wasting his time."

"I have no idea what he wants but give it a chance. Get to know him but if he wants - you know-" Steph smiles, "-something more. Let him know he can't have it."

"Sure, B. Whatever you say. Now drive, please."

Brooke grins and starts the engine. She drives out of the parking lot and heads to Stephanie's house.

"So......you and Cole, huh?" Steph smirks.

Brooke tries to hide her goofy smile.

"What about us?"

"You're going on a date," Stephanie raises an eyebrow.

"No, we're not. We're just hanging out. You guys are coming remember?"

"Whatevs." Stephanie flips her off.

"So you and Luke know each other?" Brooke probes.

"Yeah. The day I bumped into Ivy, he came and that stopped her from killing me. Didn't I tell you?"

"You didn't."

"Must have skipped my mind."

They reach Steph's house and she invites Brooke in. Brooke parks and follows her in.

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