18 | Twenty Questions

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Chapter Eighteen: Twenty Questions

Blake and his buddy leave the detention room, stomping their feet angrily.

"I hate that guy," Blake says acidly.

"Me too," his pal agrees.

The reason they both despise Christopher so much is because of the number of girls attracted to him. He attracts girls like two magnets of unlike poles. It is as if girls worship him. One look at him and they're whipped- or at least they think they are. Also, guys wish they are him, and that annoys them a lot. Though neither of them will ever admit it.

Silence takes over the room after their exit.

After a few minutes, Chris breaks the silence.

"Are you mad?" He asks, hoping she'd face him so he can see her facial expression.

"Why would I be mad?" Steph answers with a question of her own, not bothering to face him.

"I'm sorry," Chris sighs.

"It's not your fault," Steph lies.

Of course, she knows it's his fault. He's a man whore so any girl seen with him is automatically labelled a whore.

"Whether you believe it or not, it's my fault. I know that," Chris says and silence fills the room.

He knows she was referred to as a whore because of his reputation.

After five minutes of awkward silence, Chris exhales loudly and breaks it.

"Do you hate me or something?" He asks exactly what he is thinking.

Well, that question makes Stephanie shift on her seat to face him.

"What makes you think that?" She asks bemusedly.

Chris shrugs. "I don't know. You don't seem to like me and the other day, you left abruptly when I joined you guys."

"That was-"

"Don't lie to me. Even though Brooke said you were angry- I have my doubts," he interrupts her.

"And let's not forget the park incident," he adds.

Stephanie frowns. "I don't know you okay! And your....."

She trails off and looks away.

"My reputation?" He says what he thinks she stopped herself from saying.

"Well, can you blame me?" She retorts. "You're a player, a man whore."

There, she said it.

Chris scoffs. "I'm not a man whore."

Steph gives him the 'are-you-kidding-me' look.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night," she flips him a bird and turns around.

Chris inhales and exhales slowly, trying to keep his anger at bay.

"Do you want to know me?" He doesn't know what made him ask that.

Steph shrugs cause she really doesn't care.

"Forget about my so-called reputation and get to know me please," he begs her.

She doesn't shrug this time but neither does she reply.

"Let's play Twenty Questions." He suggests, waiting for her to face him.

After some seconds, she doesn't give him an answer.


She shifts on her seat to face him again.

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