19 Years, Two Months and 28 Days Ago

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I gazed down at the wailing baby in my arms. Her fair, immaculate white skin, like fresh snow, had rosy spots on her cheeks from the effort of crying. The tuft of silky, raven hair brushed softly against my arm. I rock her, and slowly she quieted. She reached up, shaking her arm free of the towel wrapped around her, and curled her tiny fist around my own black hair. Even as a baby, she was beautiful. 

It would be easy. Straightforward. All I had to do was drop her on the ground, maybe stick a sword through her so I could pretend that she was killed by rebel soldiers. The demon would be gone. The kingdom would be forever rid of Evelyn's rotten influence. 

I should do it right now. Just let go.

She's just a baby. A part of me whispered. What harm could she possibly do?

No, she's a demon. Her very existence is evil. Unnatural. Wrong.

I remembered the grief that tore me apart when my sister died. Then I imagined Casimir with the same grief. His wife and his so-called daughter, lost in the same night.

He would get over it. I tell myself. The wounds would heal.

Did I ever get over Emerald? Mother?

Will I ever get over them?

Just do it, Amethyst! Do what you have to do!

I could always try to drive away the demon when she's older. Maybe I could do it without her dying. There has to be a way. Maybe the demon inside her isn't a demon after all. Maybe she could grow up to be good. I could raise her to be good.

Do it!

Outside, the rages of battle was waning. It was almost silent beyond this room. I didn't have much time left.

I was about to release my grasp and let her hit the ground, when she opened her eyes. They were a stunning green, luminescent in the candlelight. 

Suddenly I was seven again, holding my baby sister for the first time. My heart twisted at the memory. I remembered how she was crying, how she calmed once I took her into my arms. How I told her I would love her forever, that I would take care of her, my little sister. Tears blurred my vision, so that everything seemed to have an ethereal glow. 


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