A Year and Two Days Ago

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A year and two days ago:

I sat at my dresser, mouth set in a thin line. I twirled a pearl necklace around my thumb, one set with scarlet diamonds larger than my thumb. Then I dropped it carelessly onto the desk, into the pool of other precious gems and jewellery. 

What is it all for?

What is the point?

I started laughing hysterically. Because it was hilarious, how every woman in the kingdom wished that she could be me. I had a beautiful, talented daughter. I was a witch, the most powerful one there is, by the looks of it. I was the most beautiful person alive. I was the Queen, the complete ruler of the entire kingdom, with even the King under my thumb. I had countless treasures, gifts from foreign kingdoms, piled up for me to step on, when any peasant would gladly give up their puny lives to just touch a speck of gold.

For years upon years I chased their cheers, and I got them. I only had to show my face and the crowd would go wild with adoration, respect, love. They loved me, all of them. So I howled and shrieked and guffawed with laughter, tears running down my cheek, because even though I had all their love, Casimir's love was the only one I ever sought, and the only I would never get.

Not the Villain - The Evil Queen's Retelling of Snow WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now