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Yanni didn't understand at first what happened. She was about to have sex with Ares one minute then he apologized and disappeared. She angrily re-folded the clothing he had so passionately knocked away in his haste to have her

Yanni wanted to be embarrassed at how easily she gave in and allowed him to have his way with her. But she honestly couldn't help herself. Since the incident in his bathing pool she had dreamed about his taste and touch. He made her feel things no male had ever. Hot passionate needy frisky and reckless

But she did feel embarrassed when he left her standing there wet from his hands looking like a desperate fool

Even more so that night when she wasn't called to serve him and it was blatantly obvious he had not returned for the entire night

Yanni couldn't help but feel upset by the news. She knew where he was. Everyone did. It was where he always went. 

To her.


The knowledge that he left her to go to another woman pierced her heart. A traitorous tear leaked down her cheek making her angry. Even though she felt intense rejection, and her ego was beyond bruised, Yanni wouldn't give dare cry over him

He wasn't hers to cry over. Never would be. He was a god and she a mere mortal. It was better she reminded herself of that

After she had bathed and retired to sleep that night. she still couldn't shake the hurt feeling that coursed through her. Why she wondered?  He wasn't anything like the man she would choose for herself

He was rude, surly, grouchy, ill tempered, violent and he hated mortals! She turned over and squeezed  her eyes close hoping it would help shut off the incessant thoughts of him

It didn't

 But most of all Yanni wished more than anything that she could shut off the way he had effectively gotten under her skin in more ways than one


The following morning Yanni felt marginally better, She went to eat a quick breakfast as most servants did before the subjects they were to serve awoke and began flooding them with  demands

She met Klavius, Ares' former personal servant. he smiled at her as she sat to eat beside him

"How are you liking it here so far" he asked in between bites of his meal

"Its...interesting"  Yanni replied, not wanting to admit she currently hated Ares and his realm

Klavius chuckled at her answer

"That bad huh?"

Yanni shrugged and hid a small smile at his ability to see right through her words

No worries you're not the first to hate it here. It will get better with time" He assured her

Yanni didn't think so but said nothing as she began eating her food. She hated that Ares would soon be asking for her to service him.  she didn't feel even remotely  ready to see him yet after last night

As she watched Klavius munch beside her an idea came to her


He stooped mid chew  to look at her 

"C..Can..I ask something of you?"

He narrowed his eyes in suspicion "Yes?"

"I am not feeling so well. I would rather take light chores today.  Is it OK if you handle my duties for Ares today?"

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