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(Tartarus in pic)

As soon as Yanni reappeared with Hermes the first thing she noticed was the bodies laying on the ground seemingly unconscious. then her gaze took in the huge wall that shimmered like water from the ground all the way up. It was so high it seemed to have no end

the wall of Tartarus. Yanni thought in equal awe and fear.

Its iridescent blue glow looked ethereal. No one would ever think that it housed the most vile of monsters and creatures

Yanni swallowed hard as the weight of what they were about to do began to bare down on her

But there was no other solution. Zeus would not see reason and Yanni couldn't leave Ares in there to suffer forever

"Yanni this is-" 

"Demeter, yes i know"  Yanni  stared up at the mass of muscle that held a stern expression on his handsome face. Demeter was Ares only other friend. She was not surprised to see him here. she was grateful for the help.

"He has agreed to guard the entrance and call us back out when we retrieve Ares"

"Thank you" Yanni told him 

His hardened face remained stoic but Yanni could see the disapproval in his eyes. He likely blamed her for Ares' predicament

Well that made two of them because she blamed herself as well. Which was one of the reasons she was here, once again willing to risk her life to save him

"Hermes what about weapons? We cant possibly go in there wi-"

Her words died in her throat when a familiar figure appeared 


Yanni rushed to hug him practically knocking him back with her enthusiasm

He chuckled as he met her ardency. Demeter sneered at them, prompting her to quickly let Klavius go. She quizzically looked between the two with confusion

Klavius cleared his throat uncomfortably as he averted his gaze and her unspoken question.  He hurriedly  pulled out a bundle and handed it to her

"I managed to smuggle these out before i transferred to Demeter's realm"

He left Ares realm? That was news to Yanni but she decided not to ask about it. Ares was waiting. they needed to hurry before Zeus realized she wouldn't be showing for her wedding ceremony

She quickly unwrapped the bundle and smiled when she recognized the two daggers Ares had given her for the battle

Hermes took a large blade from Demeter. It was magnificent looking but Yanni knew it couldn't Kill a Titan. Only a god killing weapon would. they couldn't get access to one of those so the only thing they could do was hope like hell they found Ares before they ran into any titans

"Well its time. you ready?" Hermes asked looking down at her

Yanni took a deep breath holding her daggers steady

"Let's go" She replied and together they stepped through


As soon as they entered Yanni coughed, a shiver of revulsion rushed through her body. Tartarus was pitch black. Completely devoid of any light. The scent of sulfur and decay was so chokingly strong she felt she could hardly breath

The landscape itself was covered in enormous jagged sharp rocks that jutted out everywhere. It was like the most depressingly dangerous place she had ever seen. Even her own imagination could never conjure up such a devastatingly horrific place

"Come on we don't have much time. Zeus could be coming to stop us any minute" Hermes reminded Yanni as she stood horrifying transfixed by the scenery

They took of running  quickly. leaping over the sharp rocks and ducking from the creatures that soared above.

Hours they ran looking for any sign of Ares' whereabouts. How big was this place?  did it go on forever? If so Ares could literally be anywhere

If he was even still alive 

That thought had her staggering in her steps almost losing her footing

Hermes stopped and turned to help her but a shattering roar from behind him had them both freezing

Hermes immediately brandished his sword and faced the monster

Yanni gasped as she took in the monstrosity before them

It was an Akhlys. A demon of misery that was a pale green hag with bleeding cheeks and tear-stained eyes, overgrown fingernails and dusty hair

"Step back Yanni"  Hermes urged as she too took out her daggers

The Akhlys gave them a bloody grin as she advanced 

Yanni watched as Hermes leapt toward her his sword raised to kill

She followed him slashing at the hag. She was impossibly fast though and obviously clever. She managed to evade each attack by both Yanni and Hermes

After deflecting another swipe from Hermes she maneuvered around him and rushed towards Yanni  instead

Anticipating her move Hermes quickly jumped into her path blocking her movements. Surprised she jerked backwards from him but not quickly enough 

Hermes chopped her head from her body in one swift blow

Yanni smiled as he turned toward her

Then all the blood drained from her face as she took in the deep gash across his stomach.........




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