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Yanni rushed over to Ares shielding his battered body stupidity with her own ; as if she  could stop Zeus wrath with her fragile mortal body

Zeus turned toward them with an unreadable expression on his stern face. Yanni  backed up further into Ares, but he abruptly moved too fast for protest as he took up the spot in front of her; Yanni felt his trembling from  the force it must had required to remain on his feet despite the deep gashes in both his legs

Zeus took a step towards them, causing Yanni's  heart to spike with trepidation 

Was this how they both died? If so she  was happy that she would at least  get to die beside the man she loved 

As Zeus advance, Ares growled threateningly at him

Zeus stopped then,  holding his hands up in a peaceful gesture as his gaze fell on Yanni. They softened considerably at the visible fear on her face 

"I have only come to help"

Ares wasn't convinced however as he straightened his stance ,still guarding me from the male. Zeus ignored Ares as he pleaded at me

"Yanni please allow me to help you get out of here. I will not keep you both apart any longer. I realized it was a foolish and selfish action....I cant make you love nor want me...But this place is extremely dangerous......... Allow me to make amends by helping you both out and then i will never bother you again"

Yanni's mind spun with his words as she  contemplated whether or not she could trust him. She wanted to, but he had not been the most trustworthy male lately


Her  response died on immediately  as a low sinisterly feminine  chuckle sounded from behind Zeus

Yanni could almost visibly see the hackles on his body raise; poised to attack

"Hello darling. Did you come to visit me? bring me back home maybe?"  She quipped her tone full of disdain as she walked closer to him


Yanni startled as Zeus let out a boisterous laugh

"You are never leaving this place Hera....At least not alive"  he snarked, leaning close to her face, flashing his teeth in a sneer

As he turned to fully face her, Yanni took in the full form of the former Queen. She looked as regally proud and haughty as ever. As if she hadn't been tossed into this  hellish prison with monsters and nightmarish creatures

Her lips twisted suddenly into a dangerous smirk.

"Neither are you husband".  she warned ominously

Then she rapidly brandished a dagger out of seemingly nowhere and stabbed Zeus deep into his stomach

Zeus growled so loud it rumbled the ground as he quickly dislodged her sword and tossed it aside, unfazed. His hand shot out and  curled around her petite  throat, pulling her high into the air

"How pathetic.  you know well that i cannot die so easily....Wife"  he spat

Hera didn't struggle to be released. she only smiled back like she knew a secret they were all not privy to

"No. I cannot kill you so easily darling.......but they can"  she snickered

As if promoted by her words a dozen Titians and creatures emerged, Charging for Zeus

It was a ambush! Dammit!!! that bitch! , she  wounded him on purpose, to make it easier for  the titans to kill him! Yanni thought angrily

"ZEUS!!!!!!" She screamed in alarm

His lightening suddenly zapped from his hand into Hera's body. She lit up like a Christmas tree as she quickly burned from the inside out 

Zeus tossed her aside dismissively as he readied to fight the horde of enemies approaching

Yanni felt tears filling her eyes as Ares ran to assist. this was a fight neither could win. There were too many and both were injured

She felt completely helpless as she realized she couldn't even assist them. If gods were no match for a titan than a mortal certainly stood no chance

Yanni watched with horror as Ares cut down many of the creatures easily then struggled to fight against two Titans at the same time. Zeus had killed one Titan already, but 4 more were attacking him. His stomach wound leaked profusely while he continued  to fight ignoring the obvious pain he must have been feeling. 

An abrupt flash of lightning threw back many of them several feet, only killing a few. the others jumped back to their feet, determined to kill. Zeus pushed Ares away toward Yanni

"GET HER OUT OF HERE" he ordered as another 4 Titians rushed back toward him

Ares hesitated looking between Zeus and Yanni; conflicted


Acquiescing Ares hurried to her grabbing her up and holding her to him tightly as he fled


An ear splitting roar erupted violently shaking the ground as thunder crackled and clapped with a deafening boom

Zeus was being torn apart. literally. Another 2 titans had joined the other 4 and he was not gonna make it.

"DONT LOOK!! CLOSE YOU EYES"  Ares growled as he rushed away from the scene

Yanni snapped her eyes closed even though tears leaked out from behind the closed lids as Ares ran

She could almost hear Zeus being torn and ravaged to death

"We...We cant just leave him"  she choked behind her closed wet eyes

"He is gone love. There is nothing we can do to help. there are too many"

Yanni knew that but it still felt terrible to just leave him there to be slaughtered. Just then a sudden bright flash exploded tossing her from Ares' arms

She hit the ground hard rolling several feet away from him. Yanni watched as the bright light spread all across his body, blinding her as it grew ever brighter 

"What's happening !!!!Ares!!!" She shouted fearfully

Yanni quickly shut her eyes and shielded them from the offending light as she waited for it to hopefully subside

Finally when  it dimmed and Ares stood there completely healed and glowing impossibly, She removed her hands and gaped at him

What the...

"Zeus is dead"  was all he said as he once again scooped her up just as she spied over his shoulder, a horde of creatures heading their way

"Its time to go" he said 

And then,  just as the first monster reached them, they disappeared..........................

In case you guys are confused. I spoke about this before the previous battle. All gods  cannot kill one another or stand against a titan without a god killing weapon,  which Zeus keeps locked in his realm inside what they call The Vault.  Zeus is the only god who can kill another god or titan without a weapon and the only god with the ability to appear in Tartarus or disappear from inside it.  Titans however do not need that to kill any god. 

How foul was Hera's final  set up right?. I just had to give her on last cameo though.

What do you think has happened to Ares?




Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!

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