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He waited near Ares' throne standing with his usual regal arrogance. His gaze searching and impatient

"You summoned me father" Ares said disdain evident in his voice

"Ares" He answered in evident disapproval as he always did

"What do you need?" Ares asked hoping he would speak his piece and be gone

"Athena tells me you have denied her aid in dealing with the discord in your realm."

"Yes that is correct. I do not need you lap dog to aid me in anything" He spat

"Careful boy" Zeus sneered

Ares sighed in boredom as he stared his father down with hatred and suspicion

"Lets not insult my intelligence nor waste my time. you have come here for something more than my refusal for Athena's aid. What is it?"

He remained quiet looking around eagerly once again

Ares could feel himself began to lose his barely leashed temper. Yanni waited for him. he didn't have time to be here uselessly arguing with his father

Just then that familiar nagging pull began.He inwardly cursed. He just knew she would not simply leave him be. She was so predictable it was comical. Ares ignored her just as swore he would

"The servant woman I sent you, how is she faring? i hope you are not working her to death, She is only to be here temporarily. She belongs to me and no harm may come to her whilst in your dreadful realm or there will be severe consequences " his stated his tone threatening and stern

Instantly Ares tensed he could hear in his fathers words and tone that Yanni was more to him than just a servant woman. Did he want her? Did he already have her? Was Yanni a bed partner to his father before arriving in his realm?. Something told him that Yanni had never been with anyone in any realm anywhere ever.

Thoughts of Yanni being with his father intimately made Ares growl inwardly with jealousy. He wanted Yanni for his own, exclusively. But it seemed his father coveted her as well. How would he navigate this new issue?"

"She fares well is this what you come all the way here for?, to inquire about a servant woman?" he taunted attempting to gauge his reaction

"Do not mock me boy" he hissed

Ares chuckled "does mother know of this "fondness" for a servant woman?"

A flash of thunder erupted in his eyes

"Where is she? Have you harmed her?" he questioned panicked

Ares watched his father with contempt which slowly dawned into understanding

This was deeper than mere lust his father was in love Yanni or as in love as he knew how to be, with his ever wandering eyes

Just then The nagging began pulling at him harder; incessantly. He grunted with the force of rejecting it

"she is perfectly fine so you may leave"

Ares turned away dismissively hoping to end the conversation, but his next words halted him

"I want to see her" he demanded

His command set Ares teeth on edge with rage. How dare his father presume to order him in his own kingdom?

"She is busy" he snarled tensing for a fight, The look in his father s eyes said he wanted as much

He stepped closer a threatening flash in his gaze. Ares had often come to blows with his father. He was not intimidated in the least

"I hope you do not harbor any designs for the woman, Ares. She belongs to me and i shall have her back"

Those words fueled the fire that burned fierce and strong in his chest. Yanni didn't belong to him and he was wrong, because He would never have her back, not if he had a say

Aries laughed darkly.

"When will that be father whenever mother forgets her. She will never allow it, whether now or a century from now"

Zeus' face twisted into a deep scowl.

"She is mine!" He roared

"NO!! she is not ! you have a wife!" Ares Growled back

The nagging increased unbearably, giving him a headache. he grimaced as His head pounded

"You have always been a insolent boy. But hear me son. This is one battle you will not win". His father growled

Suddenly the throbbing pull vanished. Ares exhaled with relief

"Are you sure this is a wise course to take father?" Ares sobered as he spoke "You know mother will have her killed is that what you wish? Are you so selfish you would condemn a innocent sweet woman to her death, just so you can add her to your list of prizes" Ares spat

His fathers gaze tuned pained and troubled as he thought on Ares' words. then just as soon as he had come he disappeared leaving a crackling of thunder in his wake

Aries growled in displeasure at his departure. He did not like that his father wanted Yanni as well

That could prove problematic in his claiming of her

Well that was too bad. Ares thought. His mother would never allow his father to have Yanni anyway. Yanni would be his. And there would be nothing he or anyone else could do to stop him. HE wouldn't allow Yanni to be just another one of his many useless conquests. She was worth more than that far more

Ares rushed back to Yanni knowing she was waiting in his bed for him. Her sweet presence and beautiful face would calm his ire. He needed to make his intention with her clear, and soon

But as he pushed open the door to his chamber he knew that would not yet happen as two sets of eyes stared back at him with a frown............................................

Do you think Ares is right about his mother and Yanni's safety?




Thanks for Reading!!!

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