Have to Chose

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I Looked up and saw I was in a bed. It seemed like the hospital but I could tell it wasn't. I looked down to my side from the pain and remembered everything. I checked my stomach and the bullet was only an inch away from the other gunshot wound. What are the chances? I scoffed. Damn luck. Right, I am at a school. Where everyone knows me and I know only the people who I arrived with. Wait, how do I know they are here and safe? I sat up exhaling through the pain and got off the bed. I looked out the door to see a doctor go into the room a couple doors down form me. I quickly but quietly started moving so I could find them. I looked around and found some stairs I started walking up the stairs and holding my side. I needed to find them. I had to. I opened the door and found what looked like halls. I started to adventure all around looking to see what was where navigating so I knew where I could go. I looked around and chose to go down the right side. These were rooms. All of these were rooms. I saw another set of stairs and walked up them. Sure, it may not be smart to walk but I had to make sure they were okay. I had to make sure they were safe. I finished going up the stairs and checked the halls and started walking. "Chloe? Why are you not in the hospital? Are you stupid?" Drew ran towards me. 

"No... I had to make sure you guys were okay." 

"We are living so differently. We have met people, and school? I never knew of such thing." 

"Lucky dickhead." I playfully cussed under my breath.

"Well, all I can say is I don't know how some people do there schooling. You know how many people have asked me a question and I had to answer because they didn't know?"

"Only a couple, and if it is a couple you should ask the teacher to explain it in different ways. Because if one person asks; there's a good chance other people have the same question." I advised him. 

"What are you doing?"

"Checking up on you guys."

"Does the headmaster know you are out?" I nodded. 

He would send me back down. I didn't want to do that. I wanted to be free. "So do you like it here?" 

"Yes we all do." I nodded. 

So do I stay with them? Or do I go? "I need to use the washroom." 

Part of me hoped they weren't liking it here so we could go and have an adventure but, part of me also wanted them to be accepted. I walked away and headed towards the doors running. I wanted to leave this place too. I wanted to fly and hide, maybe I still can. I ran through the doors and into the forest when I heard a growl from behind me. I turned around to see a wolf. "I didn't mean to step into your territory pal, I mean no harm. I am just passing through." I spoke. 

I heard the bell ring louder and multiple times as another sound went off. "Well, I guess they know I am no longer in my hospital bed." I laughed under my breath. 

But I needed to choose. Fly away or stay. I needed to know which one to pick because it was going to effect me in my future one way or another. I could feel my heart thudding as I earned another low growl from that stupid wolf. I could feel the earth moving so fast I could hear my heartbeat echo through my ears and I still haven't picked my choice yet. I could feel the weight of the world on my shoulders as my knees wanted to buckle from the pressure. My vision going in and out, but still I needed to hurry my decision they could find me. I could feel the weight of my decision. I needed time to think but the wolf growled again and this time I looked at him. He was big. Bigger than any coyote or wolf. Oh shit. He might be one of the students. Well, fuck. I am doomed! I started to run and looked for a clearing as I heard the wolf's feet pitter patter behind me getting closer. I sprung out my wings and took lift off. I needed to think. I flew high in the clouds but still people could see me if they looked, I was black winged. I flew down and I walked into a forest. As long as I acted natural people wouldn't question. I pulled myself up into a tree. I needed to make the choice. If I stay, I do school, most likely get bullied. It would be pretty easy for me to be a target, I was shot and everyone knew my name.  My past, oh no, what if they know about my past? No, I would have to keep on doing school. I would be far behind in school, I may be alone in the school. But if I go and adventure out, I can see my girls, see the world, see everything. Or I could end up getting shot again, or end up back in a facility, imagine how lonely it would be. Imagine how lonely they would be if I went on my adventure? They would feel abandoned wouldn't they? So, what do I chose. I have to chose. 

There's all these pro's and con's. But if I do go back, I will have to deal with that guy who claims to be my soulmate. I know I am not ready to be with him. I have to explain that to my friends, I have to. They deserve the truth. Either way they deserve the truth. But that still leaves me back to square one. Do I leave or do I stay? 


What do you think she will choose?

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