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I woke up with tired eye lids. "How come she is always asleep longer than us?" I heard Drew's voice. 

The plan worked. I slowly stood up as the same guy as last time came in. His pitch black eyes weren't full of hatred but with agony. He walked over to my cage. "Why did you get caught again?" I looked at him I could see scars. 

He had a scar on his chin and cheek. His hair was still black and put in a braid. He was still tall about 6'4. He had black gloves to protect his skin underneath. He had a black leather jacket and cut up black jeans. He had black army boots and they were tied like an army cadet would tie them. His finger tips were the only thing that didn't have any coverage. His teeth were black, his pupils were so black they showed my reflection. I could see his boots were tough and shiny. Which meant they were newly polished or haven't been scuffed lately. 

"What the hell did they do to you?" I hit the bars as an electric wave hit me sending me onto the ground of my cage. 

"Well since, I helped you out they guessed and gave me payment." 

"I thought you said they were your family?" I whispered weakly as I got back up. I stood up getting close to the bars. 

"I'm sorry for this." He spoke. 

He opened the door with his passkey as he walked towards me. He grabbed me. "Doing this, will give me all my access and I can help you escape. Please forgive me." I looked at him. 

"Once again. I am not going down without a fight. I came back to save someone who you kidnapped. She has a certain ability." 

"Maybe, what's your plan to escape?"

"I haven't thought that far." He threw a punch beside my face making me duck. 

"Remember the last plan we had? The one where you become the top, the number one? After this beating I give to you. You say it opened your eyes and you will help the cause and you become the best one there is. That is how you get out." I nodded. I threw a punch. 

Hitting his head. "Fair enough." 

"I am really sorry for this." He spoke, I believed him. 

His voice proved it. I was slammed into the bars as they electrocuted me. "I know you can handle this." He spoke.  

Then I blacked out. I woke up once again. "Chloe!" I opened a quarter of my eyelid. 

"Please!" I could hear them shouting. 

I needed to gather strength. When I saw a lighter just dangling beside my face. That guy will never cease to amaze me. I sucked in the fire gathering the strength. I stood up as I looked at my friends who just stared at me as if I rose from the dead. "You're okay!" She said relieved. 

I nodded as I watched them. They were cautious they didn't touch their handle bars. I didn't get a good look last time I was awake. I needed to see if I could see that woman's daughter. I looked around and sighed I didn't see her. When I looked around I saw 42 cameras. "So 42 cameras Is expensive they need someone who can sponsor them." I spoke. 

"What do you mean?"

"Some people aren't rich and have all the money in the world. They have literally so much expenses. To keep this thing going must be expensive for electricity, WiFi, and many more. They need to be getting sponsored by someone. We got enhanced. That cost so much for surgery now add supernatural surgery." I Pieced it together. 

Not to mention the employees. The people who are to do sanitation, janitors, the people who are mechanical, the list goes on. They are working with other people. I know they were working with the president.nThe door opened and one of the guys came with a whole bunch of other people who last time was "training" me. The one opened the door. They all grabbed me with reinforcements. I walked with them as they all held me tightly walking me through the doors. "It's time you help us." I didn't say anything. 

"It's time you meet someone." I looked at them confused and annoyed. 

They brought me down a hall and took the first turn into a new room where there was facial scanning images and our room and I could see only my bar had the electricity. Assholes. They sat me down tying me tightly. Then they left the room. I waited thinking of who they meant when they said "meet someone" after all I could be meeting the president. I could spit in his face, kick him in the balls. Or I could go with that plan. Maybe that plan was the only way. But how could I pull it off? I give attitude to anyone who bosses me around. I hate not being able to make my own decisions or not having my own freedom. I could feel the pit in my stomach telling me something bad was going to happen. I ignored it. I can hold my own fort. After all not only did I train harder with the girls but I expected to be put in handcuffs and in ropes, I expected our last escape wouldn't be our only one. I was right. The door opened and I could tell it was someone else. Someone more older and not light on the feet. About 200 pounds. "Hello, Chloe." My jaw dropped. 

Him? After all these years? Why is he here? What is he doing? It couldn't be him could it? Was this another trick? One things for sure.... I am fucked......


Who is this guy? What happened? 

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