The Training

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Its been months of them testing my training. But still they test me. They can't lie and say I am not a good teacher, for I have been teaching others and proving them wrong. I have been showing them, proving to them I know what to do. They just make silly excuses of why I can't train them. It's driving me insane. I walked out with my one guard or you could say my babysitter. All he ever do was made sure I wouldn't run. He needed to make sure I didn't do anything. It was getting annoying. I sighed. "When will you understand I am better than all of you combined and I am not saying that to be cocky. You guys just suck." I spoke earning a "humph" And a scoff from my bodyguard.

I walked with him. "You could at least speak your opinion on the subject. I am not going to kill you no matter how much I want to." I smirked getting cocky.

He glared at me. "My opinion is you are a nuisance always getting the spotlight and always adding your two sense in. But this test will prove to you that you don't know anything." He chuckled.

I smirked. "But I have done so much tests. What test could they possibly give me that would be so hard to train in?" I asked.

"You'll see, or maybe not." He laughed.

A blind test. Finally some fun! I walked as he opened the door to one of the darkest rooms I have ever seen. Good. Gives me the upper hand. "Succeed through this final test and you train them. Fail, and we won't let you train them." I rolled my eyes.

Same old, same old. I walked in and looked around letting my eyes adjust moving forward they always had an X for me to start on. I took off my shoes and socks and felt the ground with my feet when it went from cold concrete to silk smooth feeling of tape. I smirked. I had a feeling they would be wondering how I could tell I knew where the X was. This was going to be one  hell of a time. "If I am going to be training in the dark, I suggest you get your minions not to wear night vision goggles or glasses." I Shouted so they would hear me.

Correction they would think that's why I shouted, but ever heard of bats doing echolocation? I know how. I could hear how the echo of my voice hit off all the walls. "Fine. Might as well even the fighting field." I coughed.

Sure, we could say that. Let's rumble. Time to fight.


I passed the test with flying colors. I looked over to see the door where they were I broke from my bodyguard opening the door. "I will train them. I passed all the other tests and I passed this one with flying colors. I train them and you can't tell me no. You can't say otherwise." I spat on them as I walked out.

"Sorry sir."

"I was wondering when she would do that." He was waiting for me. That dickhead!

I stormed off into our room. "We are training whether they allow us or not. I passed all of their tests so I will train you." They smiled and clapped.

"Which means. I'm not going to go easy on you. We need to be ready." They looked at me.

"They want us to fight for them. We shall, we were made to do so." I looked at the young one.

"We are going to train here with all of the supplies, I find the girl and we get the hell out of here. We also have to make sure they don't kidnap anyone else."  She looked at the others meaning she told them exactly what I said.

"The more you resist the more painful it will be, I don't want to see you in pain. I want to know if you can handle it and if you are all the way in." They all nodded knowing I meant something else.

Well let's have some fun shall we? "There are treadmills. I want you to run at a pace. Meaning not running so fast you can barely breathe. But running fast enough your not walking but you can do it for hours if you practise." I told them.

I walked over and out to the cafeteria and grabbed water bottles full of water. "Staying hydrated is important. If your dehydrated no one will want or need that. No one will help you. You need to rely on yourself and on your own strength. You need to know your limits. You need to know how much to push and when to stop. You need to know when to use your combat skills and when to stop." I shouted.

"You understand?" I asked.

"Yes!" They all shouted.

"Sorry yes what?"

"Yes mam!" I nodded.

Now the people up there thought I was in control of just these kids. But really we were in control of the people up there. We had the upper hand. They didn't know about any of our techniques or what our plan was. They wouldn't know until it was too late. I looked over at them and watched the one way glass. If only I could see through that. But soon enough I will be allowed to since that was the arrangement we agreed upon. I looked at them they were all getting tired out. "When you feel like you can't go anymore press the timer and turn off the treadmill. Drink water. Stretch your legs and try again."

I looked at the kids. "You guys come with me." They smiled panting like a dog trying to get air in its mouth.

"I'm going to teach you both how to swim. So you can when you need to. Out there is a battlefield. We need to be prepared." They nodded.

"Keep trying harder and harder push yourself and you'll be sore tomorrow which means you did good in other words. When your sore, it means muscles are breaking apart and repairing themselves so they become stronger." I told them as I exited the room.

I looked up to the camera. "Open the door up to the pool." The door clicked and buzzed.

I brought them into the room that had a huge pool with a slide. "So there is a slide. But it shoots you out so quick into the water and you have to swim up. We won't do that yet. First of all we are going to do safety first. Life jackets." I told them as I found two and put them on each kid. Your going to walk slowly into the pool. "Now your going to sit." They looked worried.

Which was the exact reason why I had to do it. "The life jacket will help you. Which is why I'm telling you to sit. It will float up. When you realize it can save you, and it can help you. It will become you. I bet you guys that you were afraid to fly but you still did it. Test it and try it. If you want we will do it one by one and I'll be right here." I said moving to them closely.

They looked at each other and nodded. "Who's going first?"

"I guess I will." I smiled at him.

He was showing her that if he could do it she could. He tried to sit but he floated up. "Whoa." He said calmly.

"Your right!"

"I always am." I told him.

I looked at her and moved my feet towards her. "Come on darling. You've got this." She jumped and tried to sit but she floated back up.

"See, you can trust these things with your life."

"So swimming it involves breathing and kicking with your legs and stroking with your arms. But it also is more important to become with the water and when you are involved with the water as one and not against it a bond will be created so great it's as if having wings underwater. And soon you will know how it feels to have that. You have to control your breathing. But for now both of you hop on both of my sides." They did so.

"Put your hands in the water. Feel the water. Become the water. Think like the water. Move like water." I told them.

"There you go."

I looked up to the camera. "Can you bring us a phone with a YouTube video so they can see how it feels to swim." I heard the door buzz and someone came in with one.

"Watch this guy." I told them.

They watched over twenty videos and my skin was starting to look like a prune. "So now you know what to think of tomorrow. But we have to head back. It's important to eat and learn more." I brought them out of the water taking off their life jackets.

I got into the room and oh my God.

A/N Don't forget to comment or vote about what you think happened or comment how you like the book so far! I hope you are enjoying it!

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