"A penny for your thoughts?"

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Ben took Shelly home immediately after Trevor and Camila left. We left with Bianca.

The entire way she was quiet, still upset with me and shocked. Things really almost escalated quickly back there. When we dropped her off, she muttered a goodbye before running to her door.

It's just the three of us in the car now and Max immediately takes advantage. We've all been awfully quiet, even though there were things we wanted to ask or say.

For me, I want to know who this Emma is. I'd also like to ask about Duncan and his dad.

"What did Duncan want to talk about?" Max asks

"He wanted to warn me." Mason rolls his eyes. "I'm so tired of all these warnings."

"Duncan works very closely with The Man, if there's anyone whose warnings you should heed, it's his." Max advices.

"I know but he's never helped us. He's always chosen The Man over us, over me. He said he'd be on our side this time around..." Mason laughs bitterly.

"Maybe he learned from his past mistakes. He doesn't want history to repeat itself."

Mason steals a glance at me before sighing heavily.

What history?

"Maybe, but he could be trying to gather information for The Man."

"Your cousin is not that bad, Mason."

Mason shrugs and continues to focus on the road. I look out the window as silence falls in the car once more.

"I went to check out the house last weekend." Max states, breaking the silence once more.

"What house?" I voice out my question this time.

Mason's grip on the steering wheel tightens. He turns to me for a brief second, flashing a fake smile.

"Uh, nothing, we'll talk about it later." He nervously dismisses my question.

"You still think it's a good idea to hide things from her?" Max shakes his head and I look back at him.

"Max, tell me, what's going on?"

"Banks, can we please speak about this later? Now, I just need to think."

I nod and sit back on the seat, looking out the window again. My parents should be back from work by now. I just want to get home and sleep.

I stifle a yawn and rest my forehead against the glass.


"Banks, Banks..." his familiar voice calls and I flutter my eyelashes.

I fully open my eyes to find Mason standing in front of me, the car door open. I'm still safely secured in my seat belt but the car stopped moving. A quick glance outside makes me realise that we're home.

I take off the seat belt and get out of the car. Mason closes the door for me before locking the vehicle.

"It seems like your parents aren't back yet." He states, looking at my house.

The lights are still off, meaning they never came home.

"I'll have to stay with you until they come back." He suggests.

"Uh," I shake my head, "I don't think my dad would like coming back to find a boy in his house this late. What time is it?"

"It's still like, eight thirty," he grins, "I'll just explain that I wanted to make sure you were safe."

"Haha." I shake my head.

"Banks," his expression darkens, "I really want to make sure you're safe. If we didn't need to talk I would suggest going over to my house."

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