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Chapter 12.
Nyx's POV

The most frightening thing about the East is that it is surrounded by no a man's territory. There you find different supernatural creatures doing all they please with no one to condemn them, doing deeds that most people would never do without a pep talk. Most creatures who have lost their mind or who are berserk reside there. One can only be berserk when your mate rejects you or after you've waited for them since birth but they choose otherwise. That goads to insanity thus you're labeled berserk. Hence why I do not want Emma do be rejected, witches have it bad because once they fall into dark magic going back to how they were before the pain is difficult.

My mother is a perfect example of that scenario.

When I found Kai he was at the edge of falling deep inside a pool of insanity, his mate had died before his eyes and he couldn't do anything to help her. The trauma almost made him lose himself but I came into the picture and changed everything. It was mesmerizing and dark, every moment of it...

When trekking on no man's land you can only rely on your agility and senses for survival. Although chances of surviving there are minimal. I should take pride on being a hybrid, I have a beast inside me right? Wrong, just as I'm here I'm convinced there are more like me where I'm headed and they are much more feral than I am. They're untamed and most have lost touch with their human side due to being in their animal form for too long.

To get where I'm going you have to leave your car behind and trek for an hour and a half before arriving to an owned land. That too is still a standing threat, without permission to the owned land you're as good as dead there.

"Perhaps it was stupid to act so rash..." I say to myself after seeing lightning flash and behind it is a very dark cloud looking heavy with rain. This isn't good at all.

The time states I've been on the road for five hours, two more and I'll be at the boarders. If it rains the creatures wandering will be advantaged at having me for their dinner because to me their scent will be ridden by the rain and they are certainly used to the vile weather conditions- unlike me.

Seeing a garage coming in view I decide to stop at it before moving further. I turn to get more gas and something to drink while I'm at it.

Everything around here looks worn out, I don't even want to think of how the rest rooms must look or smell like. My sensitive nose would be utterly abused. "Welcome, how can I help you beautiful lady." A man who looks like he's on the verge of life walks up to me. His odor hits me first making me stop inhaling in an instant. I see him walking closer so I start walking towards him so we don't stay around each other. While I walk forward he has his eyes looking me up and down in search for something, his iris stops at my eyes and like a person interested in an artwork he stares at me with wonder sprinkled with intrigue. "Fill the car please..." I breathe walking past him. "Alright milady."

You have a malady. Elena speaks back and I couldn't agree more. Hopefully the inside of the shop is vastly different from it's owner. When I entered I expected to find no one inside however there's a man inside whose scent is off. He has no distinct smell which is supposed to make me identify his group of specie, he just smells odd. He was the first to look at me from the corner of his eyes but when our eyes locked he averted his gaze. His pale skin is covered in ink and the more I stare at him the more I feel as if I've seen him somewhere.

Not wanting to make things awkward than they already are I move to the drinks section and pick two bottles of Pepsi then go to pay. Looking straight at where I'm going I feel as though I'm being watched however I pay no heed to it as I'm sure it's just a curious stare. I'm sure people who come to this side of the country don't live to tell the atrocities they saw. I'm quite certain they don't.

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