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Chapter 26
Nyx's POV

"Good night Alpha Nyx, I had a lovely time with you." Passively looking at her I respond with a nod then extend my hand for her. She merely stares at it, her expression more than baffled and it makes me look between my hand and her in confusion. My face contours in thoughts, could it be that these people don't understand handshakes? As if realization struck her, her mouth forms an O, muttering a low "Oh." Herself and she looks at me suppressing her giggle. Perplexed by her response I pull my hand back and ask, "Is there something wrong?" She sighs in defeat, her non cordial yet irksome gestures and body language starting to strike the wrong nerve. I know I lack social skills, which must be why she disapprovingly shook her head at me saying, "What do you call that?" She rotates her index finger at my now folded hand. "It was a handshake, people bid each other farewell isn't that right? Don't you normally shake hands around here?"

Or perhaps it's foreign... What if they don't appreciate body contact? Elena rambles in one go. I shake my head disapprovingly wondering how body contact is not allowed. That sounds wrong.

"We do shake hands however I'm not one of the alphas or men in high positions you have to be curt with. Here you either hug someone or just tell them good night. No need to be too formal." Nodding slowly in understanding and exhaustion I wave at her while she's still at a close distance. She sighs in humor written on her face but waves back with a smile of intrigue, despite my need to ask her why she suddenly turned piqued I resist that urge. I remain cemented on the floor by myself watching her disappear through the gates and once she's out of my line of view I make my way towards the big house. I'm tired.

This is the most informal house visit I've ever endured. Usually guests are introduced to the staff, I wouldn't call myself a guest, point is if a staff member threatens my life I will act. That being the reason why strangers should be introduced to the pack. To everyone. It's  so strange having people stare at you flagblasstered and seeing the confusion vividly on their face every time you pass them. When I enter the house some of the people who are still unfamiliar to me stare impassively while I make my way to the room.


In the evening I'm sitting in the bedroom by myself while I browse through the book in my hand. So far Celeste's father hasn't returned so I'm yet to meet him. She and my mate haven't been present nor seen since he stormed out this morning, I'm embarrassed to say I'm fuming because while I sit here in my solitude he's with her keeping her busy. Although, I don't think I'd appreciate having him here with me instead. But the fact that he's with her fills me with unease... But whenever I think of that call in the morning I give him a pass, I shouldn't be thinking about this too much. I want to sleep but I don't want to have another episode of those dreams, or whatever they're called. I also don't even want to ponder on them, goddess! Ever since I've entered this forest it's been dreams and visions hitting me from all directions and without a comforter I cannot help myself but drown in the tiredness and exhaustion that's coming with everything that's occurring around me. The tension and constant thinking of the meaning behind every occurrence has drained all my energy, I'm running on borrowed battery from caffeine. I'm in need of sleep, yet I'm not willing to dream more about the men in my life or seeing my mate with his ex lover. Seeing him with anyone at that.

I shouldn't be thinking of this. Again, he's not mine.

Watching the clock strike twelve mid night, with nothing but a book and cups of coffee keeping me up I start to feel Morpheus calling me to his land of rest. It's only a matter of time before I fall asleep.

I am seated on the couch with a book trying to stay awake, the longing part of me hoping to seek comfort at my mate's presence... His presence alone should be enough for me to get some sleep. The primal part of me believes he can rid this weight off of me. No thought is as bittersweet as that one. I am not depending on him for unbothered sleep, I used to do the same to Kai. The moment I'm within his embrace I feel at ease and peace with myself.

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