2-1 : Recovery

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Scout Division Unit 5 Quarters, Warsaw HQ, 2.16 p.m

"Aannnd... Done. Congrats Vector, you're the only one I can save you," Kurtz felt exhausted, afters days try to repair Muller's T-Dolls, end up he failed saving two of his partner's T-Dolls, AUG and G36C. 

"Glad your arm and leg still saved. But I need order some implants parts so it can fully functionable.

Both of them have same malfunction, broken memory port and heavily damaged on their optical devices, which are their eyes, completly blinded.

In addition for G36C, she had broken CPU and motherboard, which literally can't save her.

He actually can change the damaged parts for AUG, but he's unbearable to do so. Since T-Doll's hardware production mostly internal implanted.

It's like you need build her again with no memories. Good as dead, Kurtz thought.

Fortunately, Vector only has non-serious damaged on her limbs, her right arm and leg.

Müller with his broken right arm slinged with bandages, stood beside the cart contain his AUG and G36C. Not mention he also have three broken ribs and severe bruise on his right leg.

"Ahh... I've only met them half a year. Didn't expect this will happen. Always had good memories with them, " Müller felt seldom.

"Hmm? What do you mean 'good memories'? All I've got complaints from them that you are sneaky pervert," Kurtz gave him disgusted glare.

"Whaaa.. Nah man I behave myself. I-"

"Then do tell me then about you trying getting pantshot from G36C, and that time you 'accidently' touching AUG's breasts."

Müller's face burning. "Eh? That's that.... uhhh..."

"Admit it, you pervert. Told you don't play too much those visual novel."

"WHAT?!! Never!!! That is part of my cul--"


It's Müller handphone buzzing. He reached out from his jean's pocket. A pop-up notification appeared on the lock screen.


"Ah, it's my appointment. I better off now."

"Okay. Don't get trip again. 'Cause I don't want the doc deal more with panties hunter."

"Ha Ha." Müller then left their quarters, leaving Vector, Kurtz and his T-Dolls.

Kurtz then faced to Vector, "He might be pervert, but sure hell care you guys more than I do."

Vector just faced down, staring on the floor.

Kurtz called PAW, reading the latest army magazine.

"PAW, bring G36C and AUG to factory. If any goods left survived, bring it. We may need it."

"On it. RGP, come help me with this cart."

RGP-40 just nodded, follow him to factory section.

While they carried cart contain Müller's busted T-Doll, GL-40 kept her busy with her mobile game, called Battle of Androids, or something called like that.

After Kurtz finish his inspection, he then record the log for today's development on his desktop. It has been two weeks after PAW's attemped kidnapping.

"You're lucky one, Vector. I don't know how but as long your hardware not having any damaged I feel grateful," he tried cheered up Vector; she looks gloomy.

"Thank you, Kurtz. Although......"

"... What is it?"

"It's just, my feelings. Having lost suddenly.."

"Hmm... When a Vector had this feel of guilt? I thought you one of they called Ice Queen among T-Doll."

"Yes. But when I serve with Müller, he... treated me in his unique way."

Kurtz paused his typing on Vector's condition record, "his 'unique'?"

"I don't know how, but.... He always gave his attention more to me than AUG and G36C. Sure he is a good leader. But, you know..."

Heh, Müller you cheecky bastard.

"Well he has his own unique charisma, which is surprised for me that a man like him can endured going through hell back we on boot camp," Kurtz continue the conversation, begun his typing.

"Plus, he is one of person that I knew who always flirting so smooth, even with T-Doll."

He falshback his past with Muller when they were recruited.

"He said to me, 'even a thing that has a feeling, it's worth giving affection'. I'm still against with his 'affection' but hey, he with his live; and mine's mine."

"Oh... I see. I always thought he's kind of the person you described."

Vector fidgeting her hair, "Kurtz, can I ask you a question?"

"It's not I'm busy at all. What is it," as he typing Vector's record on his desktop.

"Does... Does Müller have any relationship?

Kurtz stop typing. Somehow his body froze.

"Kurtz? Are you—"


"...What did you mean was?"

"He had a wife before he enrolled the boot camp. He had a good relationship with her. But tragic happened," he paused.

"What's tragic? Is she.."

"If you want really know what happened, you can either ask him nicely, or you can read silently his file after Butterfly's Effect.

I'm sorry Vector. I'm felt guilt when talking about Müller and his wife."

"I see. Then I shall go to my room."

Kurtz nodded, as he watched she struggled walking toward T-Dolls' room.

He sighed, as he glance a photo on his desk. He, Müller and his late wife, smilled at their military academy.

He took quite of stare, reminded his good old memory with his partner, no, a close friend.

Minutes later, he continue finishing the report.


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