2-3 : Training (Part 1)

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2 days later. Morning

A Jeep drove on a lone road from the city of Warsaw. Their destination leads to a rural area. The Jeep that has a skull grenade sticker on car door, cruised with the chilling vibes, both the passenger and the driver.

"So what did you bring it?" the passenger asked the driver about the load-out's case.

"Your toy."

RGP-40 silenced. Thinking what was it.

"Is it our drone?"


"What did you do this one?"

"I 'tweak up' on the weaponry. Now it can shoot 20mm."

"Woah there. How that can be fit in on our drone?"

"What did I say earlier? I tweak it up."

RGP-40 felt ridiculous on how Kurtz manage put a grenade launcher on their drone. Yes he is an engineer, but it was mad for a man install a small grenade launcher on mid-size drone. There also something bugging his mind

"How much it can hold?" RGP kept questioning himself on that. He later asked that on Kurtz.

"I made it fit twenty rounds," Kurtz smirked.


Hours been travelled, accompanied with the lone road and country scenic, finally arrived their destination. The place used to be private hangar. How big? Let's say enough to fit three cargo aircrafts.

It had three garages. Hertz Kompanie bought it as Kill House Simulation, a logistic for arms and drones so it can used for recruits and backups, and a garage for land vehicle.

Kurtz asked RGP-40 to carry out the case contained of their drone. They put it on nearby shooting range, just outside from the compound of the hangar. After placing the case, they continued walked into the kill house, to see the GL-40 and P.A.W practicing the Close Quarter Battle.

Kurtz, out of blue asking RGP-40, "So who do you think better? GL or P.A.W?"

"Heh, of course it's me."

"Hmph. Show off."

They're arrived the Kill House Simulation. They can hear the gunshot bursting out fiercely. Well, at least they're using rubber bullet for practicing. They saw Müller with sling; resting his right arm, keep up better and better on healing. And there's Vector on his side.

Kurtz observed her, "She's getting closer with Müller," He murmured. He observed again, "Huh, her hand kept holding Muller's tightly."

The training was still continued, until Müller saw Kurtz and RGP-40. He grabbed a microphone hanging on the corner of the tower pillar, announcing GL-40 and P.A.W to stop.

"Alright guys. That's it for now. Kurtz and RGP are arrived." He then pressed big red button on the command desk. All the dummy android forcefully stopped.

Both of them also fully stopped. They're on the third checkpoint, only one to finish it up. But since Müller already stopped the simulation, they going back on the first checkpoint.

Müller and Vector went down to the ground, greeting Kurtz and RGP-40. They both replied the greetings.

"So how they're up to?" Kurtz asked Müller.

"They're doing okay, I think. They've been on five rounds straight. After seeing you came in I gave 'em some rest."

Kurtz nodded. He's intrigued on his T-Dolls performance. "Are they improving on close quarter battle?"

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