Chapter 11: Rumors

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Taylor's POV

School is starting today. I spent most of my vacation with Katie. We did everything that we thought that was essential to our plan. We have answers if people started questioning our 'relationship'.

For example. If one asks how did we start to talk to each other?, we are going to simply say that we bumped into each other while we're on a vacation this Christmas.

We did, in fact, went on a vacation. But we didn't just 'bumped' each other. Because WE WENT TOGETHER.

I already introduced her to my parents and they liked her. She introduced me to her parents and they liked me. So we didn't had a problem about them, letting us go in a 3-day-vacation out of the town.

Don't ask me whose idea was that because, of course, it was HER idea.


She said, and I quote, "we can plan, get to know each other more, and be comfortable with each other if we go on a vacation together. No other people. Just the two of us."

What I didn't know was the meaning of her 'being comfortable with each other' was sleeping on the same bed, ate on the same plate, used the same spoon and fork, cuddling, kissing, and many other stuffs that made us uncomfortable. At first. But now we're used to it. We even showered together!


Don't ask me how that happened because I don't know either.

We know a lot about each other now. Our hobbies, favourite foods, thing that we do during our free time, etc. It's like we're old pals now. Like we know each other since birth.

And of course, we planed. We posted a lot of Easter Eggs in our social media accounts. We bet that would lead people into thinking that 'we are together'.

We bought two identical rings and crazy people think that WE ARE ENGAGED!! But what's crazier is PEOPLE BELIEVED IT AND THE RUMOR STARTED SPREADING LIKE A WILD FIRE!

I mean. We have TWO rings, each one for us, that should mean we are married. Right? Not engaged.

If we're engaged, there should be only one ring. And it should be on Katie's hand.

People... all you have to do is to assume yet you didn't manage to do it right.


Y'all had one job...

Katie's POV

I arrived at school early. I put on my b*tchy face before I get out of the car.

I heard whispers about Taylor and me. Then one girl asked me, "Katie, is it true that you and Taylor are in a relationship?" She asked eagerly. "And engaged?" Another girl added.

I just looked at both of them and smiled, then I turned and walked away.

I immediately texted Taylor.

To Taylor:

Don't tell anyone yet. Come into my house after school and I'll tell you why.

I don't know but when I saw how people are so intrigued about me and Taylor, I decided to be more dramatic and hide 'our relationship' a little longer. In that way, when the time comes, it'll blow their minds. They're going to get what their nossy a*ses wants when they're least expecting it.

Get ready Andy.

Taylor's POV

I received Katie's message and that got me confused. We worked hard for this day. We prepared so long for this day. And now she's asking me not to tell anyone?


I just shrugged it off.

I saw Andy heading toward me. He's with Natalia. I haven't seen her for so long... God I miss her.

"Is it true that you and Katie are engaged?! Since when did you two dated?! AND since when did you two got close?! As far as I know, you both haven't talk to each other?!" She asked me in a... pissed voice?

She's shouting, so of course she's pissed. And I can't believe she bought the 'engaged' part.


Well, maybe, it's because she hasn't really seen us. Maybe she just heard the 'news'. She doesn't assumed it on her own. She's smart. I know she won't come up in that kind of... conclusion.

"Nat, how---" she cut me off.

"Don't call me Nat. My name is Natalia" she's not shouting anymore but you could tell that she's pissed.

Okay... that hurts. That was my nickname to her since then. And now she's telling me that I can't call her 'Nat' anymore?

I didn't spoke. I know that if I utter a word, my voice will crack. My eyes are starting to water.

Are we really over? Just like that? 6 years...

"That's harsh. No need to be mean, Natalia. Taylor and I aren't dating. I'm surprised we have an identical ring! She has a good taste" A voice said. "We're NOT engaged." By the sound of the voice, I can tell that she's smiling.

I didn't look up. I'm afraid if I do they will notice the tears in my eyes.

But even though I didn't look, I know who's the owner of that voice. That is the voice that I've been hearing constantly this past few weeks. And I'm thankful that she came and she got my back.


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