Chapter 24: Back

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(The picture was Natalia's room)

Natalia's POV

Months had passed. And I'm still trying to get her back. I'm not complaining. I'm more than willing to do all of these to get her back.


February 15.

And I'm sulking in my bed.

I know I said i'll get her back, but I have to process everything first...

1. Andy cheated.

2. I lost my best friend.

3. I'm officially out to my parents.

4. And she has a girlfriend now...

I have a lot to process, that's for sure, but I stopped when I thought of the 4th one. Because it is the worst.

WHY did I let this happen?

HOW could I let this happen?


I think i'm going insane. Maybe sleep could help...

THE NEXT DAY, I prepared. Like, as in prepared myself. Both mentally and physically.

I did my hair. I did my make up. Picked an appropriate cloth. Talked to myself for some encouragement. And voila!

It's official. I'm going to talk to Tay and admit my feelings to her.

I prepared a date in a park with her actually. Cliché? Nah. We just love to hang out in parks. The nature calms both of us.

It's now or never...

I drove to their house. Breathed . Calmed myself. Knocked. Greeted her mom when she opened the door for me...

And drove back home when she told me that Tay's on a 'date' with Katie.

It hurts. So bad. But I did nothing. Because I can do nothing.

It's my fault after all...

So I just asked her mom to call me when Tay got back home.

And she did call me. Passed 10:00 p.m. Saying that Tay just got back home. I'm still awake because I'm REALLY waiting for her call...

I told her that i'll just call Tay. I ended the call by thanking her. I called Tay on the phone next and asked, "Hey, I have to tell you something. Can we talk?" Straight to the point before I loose the little courage and hope that I still have.

"Yeah. Sure. What is it?"

"Uhm... I... Uh actually wanted to tell you everything in person. Are you free tomorrow? After class?"

"Uh. Actually, no. Kat and I have plans for tomorrow."

Oh? Kat? And Today wasn't enough? You're practically with her the whole day today. Still with her tomorrow?

But of course, I didn't said that and just asked,"can I come over now then?"

"Now? As in... now?"

"Y-yeah. If that's alright to you? I won't if you don't want me to---."

"No it's alright. It's alright. Just text me if you're already outside so you don't have to use the doorbell and wake my parents up. They just got to sleep since I came home pretty late."

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