08. Until He Didn't

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     Norman's heart was still beating uncontrollably when they finally arrived back at John B's house. As they were piling inside, he checked his phone to see three missed calls from Alisha and one from Gemma. With a sigh, he pressed down on Alisha's name first.

"Rocky?" the girl's voice rang through the phone.

"Are you on the phone right now?" John B asked as they began settling down, Norman nodded and pressed a finger to his lips hoping all of them would be quiet.

"Rocky, who the fuck was that? Who are you with? I'm at your house and you're not here, are you on a bender or some shit?" Alisha asked. He couldn't imagine the day she had after he left judging by how harsh her tone was. He wondered if she was pissed off at him or just frustrated with him disappearing on her.

He sighed, "No, not exactly. I'm not with anyone."

"Liar," he heard JJ mutter as everyone crowded around him, remaining quiet. It was clear they were anxious with anticipation as they waited for him to finish up so they could dig into the package that had been left for John B.

"I can hear people, where are you? I'm not stupid, Rocky," Alisha sighed through the phone. "Listen, I'm not mad at you for leaving earlier, I just want to make sure you're okay and you're not getting into some sort of trouble because you think we're all mad at you."

Nope, no trouble. Just running for his life, not once, but twice, kissing John B, and having a run-in with the sheriff. "No, I'm not getting into any trouble. You can spend the night, hopefully, I'll be home soon."

Alisha sighed, clearly not wanting to take what little information he had given her, but he wasn't exposing that he was hanging out with a bunch of Pogues. She loved him, but even she would judge him for that. Which, now that he was thinking about it, is kind of ridiculous. However, he didn't really feel like being a mediator in class warfare right now.

"Fine. See you soon. I hope," she huffed before hanging up before Norman even had a chance to say goodbye. He felt bad, he really did, but his hands were tied. He couldn't leave now when he had gotten so deep into it already.

With a sigh, John B raised an eyebrow, asking, "You done?"

Norman nodded, which prompted Pope to ask, "Angry girlfriend or something?"

"Alisha is not my girlfriend," Norman denied, his mouth still tasting bitter over having to lie about them earlier that day. The thought of him ever dating Alisha was too outlandish for him to even comprehend.

John B scoffed, "Why don't you tell your actual friends that, dumbass."

"Dude shut the fuck up," Norman spat in a rare occurrence of genuine anger. John B brought out the worst in him, he had to remind himself. Just like John B had said earlier, they weren't friends. They never could be.

PSYCHO ― John B. Routledge ✓Where stories live. Discover now