26. A Small Gesture of Intimacy

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The question of what to do now was a much bigger one than it seemed. Yeah, they had a shit ton of solid gold, but people don't exactly accept gold the way they do cash or credit these days. Not to mention, they had to somehow get back into that well to get it out. John B had taken about three showers now just to get the sewer smell off of him and Norman was not looking forward to doing that again. With a sigh, Norman waited and went through his phone while he waited for the water to turn off from his bathroom. The gold bar John B had managed to grab was safely tucked away in his bag across the room and they had managed to get him in the house without either of Norman's parents questioning why he looked like he was covered in shit.

After a moment, he could hear the water shut off and John B stepped out of the bathroom about thirty seconds later with a towel wrapped around his waist as he walked over to his bag. After a moment, he cursed quietly to himself.

"What's up?" Norman asked from across the room, very much admiring the way John B's back muscles flexed as he straightened up to turn around.

"I got mud on my clean shirt from the stupid gold," John B sighed, "Can I borrow one of yours?"

"Yeah, might be too big on you, though," the boy teased as he motioned over to the closet. "Top shelf. Can you reach?"

He was met with the bird, classy as ever. "I'm not that much shorter than you, asshole."

Norman snorted, a smile clear on his face, "I know, just like to keep you on your toes. Get it? Tip-toes? God, I'm hilarious. Anyway, shorty, hurry up and get your ass over here, I'm cold."

John B scoffed as he pulled on clean shorts and tugged Norman's t-shirt over his head. "Use a blanket, dickhead."

"Why are you so mean to me? It hurts my heart. If you can't be nice then we really are doomed from the start," Norman fake pouted as John B rolled his eyes, climbing into bed next to him and immediately wrapping his arms around the taller boy's waist while he continued to look through his phone. "Look what James posted, those bitches went out without me. So rude."

"We found literal gold."

"Yeah, but look how cute Gemma looks in her bikini," Norman commented as he showed him the photos, but he really didn't care too much. He loved his friends, yes, but he had been notably absent so he couldn't blame them for living their lives without him. He really was just avoiding the conversation in which he would have to tell James he was dating a Pogue. Ugh, the shame. Not to mention coming out to Lila and Gemma was still something he had to do that he may or may not have been neglecting. He was surprised Alisha or James hadn't told them already, but apparently they were good at keeping secrets now. So, that was a new development since they were absolutely awful liars.

PSYCHO ― John B. Routledge ✓Where stories live. Discover now