Chapter 1: Romanticism

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"Ms. Owens you'll be partnering with Mr. Brock for the project." I hear my teacher tell me. I groan and glance across the room. He waves at me with a cheeky smile. I know what he thinks, but it's not happening. He walks over to me as I move my bookbag from the chair beside me.

"Hi I'm Colby," he smiles and puts his hand out to me. I shake it, but keep a straight face, "I know who you are." I roll my eyes. He laughs and sits down.

"Now, what did you think we could do as our theme?" I ask him, trying not to make any conversation other than our work.

"I wasn't sure. I figured you could do it." He shrugs. My eyebrows furrow and I look back to my book. "Not do it, but like decide what we do. I'll help of course." He recovers.

"What were the topics again?" I ask him as I open my notebook.

"Romanticism, naturalism, modernism and realism." He tells me as he does the same.

"I think we should do romanticism."

We have to create and write a short story based on one of our themes we're learning in class. It's not the most fun project, but I enjoy writing. However, it's not going to help that Colby is my partner. He'll probably just try to turn it into smut.

"And why's that?" He smirks towards me.

"Because I have a feeling we're both careless romantics." I sarcastically laugh.

He rolls his eyes but a smile remains on his face with a slight blush. I can't help but to gaze a little longer than needed. He's just so handsome. He's the perfect boy to stay away from. But, something drawing me in.

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