Chapter 12: Mom Knows Best

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Do I really love him or am I just saying that because of the baby? We've only known each other for three months. We've only been together for two months. It's too soon to know if I love him or not, right? And if I did really love him, I shouldn't second guess it.

Colby tightens his grip around my waist, his head snuggling farther into my neck. I can't relax, I just stay tense in his grip. I look over, seeing the clock turn to 4:32pm. I need to tell someone. I need to tell my mom, or Ethan, or Imani. Colby's already told Sam everything, why can't I grow the balls to do the same?

"Babe?" I ask quietly.

"Mhm?" He hums.

"We need to tell my mom. She needs to know what's going on." His head comes up as he looks at me.

"Are you sure?" I nod my head as a response to his question. "When will she be home?" He asks me.

I shrug, "30 minutes, maybe?" He nods and gets up from beside me.

"Have you told Ethan or Imani?" He asks me. I shake my head no.

"I should do that first, though. You can wait here while I go talk to Ethan if you want." I tell him as I lean up. He nods, telling me to go. I get up and leave my room, walking to Ethan's door. I knock on it quietly. "Come in!" He yells. I open the door and he waved at me, playing his game.

"We need to talk." I tell him as I sit on his bed. He looks at me with a concerned face, then takes off his headphones.

"What's up?" He spins his chair around.

I bite my lip and grab one of his pillows, holding it closely. "I'm pregnant," I mutter looking away from him.

"You are?" He asks with wide eyes.

"I took another test last week. It was positive." My eyes tear up as I look at him. His face changes from anger, to sadness, then to extremely calm. He looks away from me for a second, staring out his window. He puts his controller on his desk behind him before he looks at me again. He gets up, embracing me as I cry.

"It'll be okay, Kat. I got you, okay?" I nod my head against his chest. "I love you," he whispers.

"I love you too." I smile.

"When are you going to tell mom? Does Colby know?" He asks me.

"I'm telling her as soon as she gets home. And yeah, he's known since I found out." I glance at his bedroom door, I can see Colby waiting on the frame of mine, his arms crossed as he watches me.

"I can be with you if you want." He tells me quietly.

"No, it's okay. Colby's here." I nod towards the door. He turns around and glances at him.

I can tell he's angry. Probably not angry, but disappointed. I'm his little sister and he warned me before I got involved with Colby that it wouldn't end well. I mean I'll love the baby and all, but I barely know how to take care of myself. I don't need to be a mother, not until I'm ready.


I walk into my moms rooms, knocking on the door quietly. "Hey can we talk?" I ask her. She looks up from her computer and nods, smiling at me softly.

I sit down on her bed, Leo lays his head on me as he wags his tail.

"What's wrong?" She asks me. I look up to her with tear filled eyes. I'm afraid she's not going to react well.

"I don't want you to be mad," I choke. Her eyes brows furrow and she scoots closer to me in her chair.

"I won't, I won't, tell me what's wrong." She places her hand on my knee.

"I- I'm pregnant," I pause to watch her reaction. She visibly becomes angry and pulls her hand away from me.

"What?" She spits.

"I- I didn't mean for it to happen-"

"You didn't mean for it to happen?!" She yells, "You lay down like some type of slut and you expect to not have any consequences?!"

My mouth opens slightly as my tears fall, "Mom-"

"Get out of my house!" She yells as she stands up. She grabs my arm and pulls me out of her room.

"No! That's not fair!" I yell at her, trying to move from her grasp.

"Do NOT tell me no." She speaks through her closed teeth.

"I'm not leaving!" I wipe my face with my free hand. She lets go of me and her hands runs across my face, leaving a burning sensation on my cheek. I cup my cheek and look at her with a surprised face.

Colby and Ethan come from Ethan's room, Colby pulls me away from my mom as Ethan stands in between us.

"What the fuck?!" Ethan yells at her. Colby's arms wrap around me as I cry softly on his shoulder. My cheek stings, a bruise definitely forming.

"I don't want that whore in my house! Get her out!" She yells again. Colby walks me into my room, shutting the door and locking it behind us.

I can hear Ethan and my mom arguing from the living room. My chest falls up and down quickly as I try to calm down. Colby talks to me softly, trying to help me.

"Kat, baby, calm down, okay? Calm down, it's okay." He kneels beside the bed as I sit. His hands cupping my face, caressing me softly.

"We need to leave," I sniffle.

"No, you don't have to leave. This is your home okay?" Colby tells me. I shake my head no, "I can't be here." I tell him.

I push him away from me and begin grabbing my things. I put my suitcase on my bed and start packing my essentials, trying to fit everything I could.


"I can't stay here with her. I can't look her in the face, Colby. I can't- I have to leave." I turn back to my dresser and grab more clothes.

"Okay, that's okay. You can stay with me." Colby tells me. My hands clench the side of my dresser as I cry harder. I can't believe this is happening. Colby hugs me from behind, spinning me around to face him. "It's going to be okay." He tells me, kissing my forehead.

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