Chapter 18: Anatomy

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My mom didn't answer my calls, nor did she speak to me. Instead, she told Ethan to tell me that she made changes with the school. She didn't even want to speak to me.

So, for the last month I've been doing online school. Colby has been struggles at school. People have been talking, trying to start rumors about why I left. We, however, haven't posted anything about the baby. Everyone knows, but Colby and I decided to wait until I was 20 weeks, which is now. Speaking of that, we get to find out the gender today. We're both extremely excited. We thought about doing a gender reveal, but because of all the drama with my mom, I decided I wanted it to be a special moment between Colby and me.

His bedroom door open, I see him walk in with a smile. "How was school?" I ask him.

He turns away from me, "It was okay," he says hesitantly. I ignore his tone and stand up, grabbing my shoes. I quickly slip them on, taking my purse also.

"You ready?" I hug him from behind, kissing his cheek. He smiles and nods, kissing me back.


My hands sweat as I wait for the sonographer to come into the room. We finished all my blood tests and now it's time for my anatomy scan. I'm excited but nervous, as any parent would be. What if something is wrong with the baby? This is the moment we find out the most important things about the baby's health.

We hear a small knock on the door and the woman walks in with a smile, "Hi, I'm Dr. Kali and I'll be taking a look at your little baby today. How are you guys?" She asks us.

Colby clears his throat and smiles, "We're good, just nervous."

"No need to be nervous," she laughs, "Alright, just going to apply some of the gel then we'll get started."

I nod and adjust myself to get comfortable. They told us the scan may take about 30 or 45 minutes.

She starts the the machine and begins the sonogram. She lets us watch as she searches around the body. We're able to see the baby's spine, and every individual finger and toe. I can't help but to tear up as I watch the screen. Colby does the same, squeezing my hand on and off every time the baby moves.

"Would you like to know the sex?" She asks us. I glance at Colby with a wide smile, he kisses my hand, "please," I laugh.

She moves the wand around lower down, then smiles, "Looks like you're having a little girl, congratulations."

My mouth open in excitement, Colby smiles brightly and kisses my hand again. My eyes water more and I blink it away, trying not to cry.

"And she's also looking perfectly healthy. Growing right on track." she turns off the machine and hands me a towel to wipe my stomach. I do so, leaning back up in my seat. "I will get the sonogram for you, then you can go ahead and make your next appointment. Congratulations again, you guys. She's going to be very beautiful." As soon as she shuts the door I attach myself to Colby. He laughs into my lips.

"We're having a girl, Colby." I smile.

"I know, we're having a baby girl." He smiles back at me, kissing my lips.


"So," I smile, sitting next to Imani by the fire.

"So?" Sam laughs while eating one of his chips.

"We found out the gender today." I look at everyone, Colby smiles as he roasts his marshmallow.

"You did?!" Imani squeaks.

"Boy or girl?" Corey asks.

"Or neither, it is 2020." Jake jokes.

I roll my eyes at him but continue to smile, "We haven't told any family yet so you're the first to know."

"Well, tell us." Imani smiles.

I glance at Colby, he looks around the group for a moment, "It's a girl," he smiles proudly.

"Really?!" Imani yells, launching herself on me as she hugs me. "You owe me!" She yells at Ethan.

"Congratulations, baby sis," Ethan smiles.

"Do you have any names?" Sam asks.

"Considering we found out three hours ago, no." Colby laughs.

"I mean I've thought of some, I just haven't talked to him about it." I tell them.

"What are they?" Corey asks.

"Im going to wait to talk about it." I smile.

I'm so grateful to have amazing friends like them. I wouldn't know what to do without them. When I say they're so amazing, I mean it. With everything that's happened, I couldn't imagine not having them.


I stare at the post, my finger hovering over the button. Colby stares from beside me, his hand resting over my bump.

"Should I post it? What about school? Are you worried they'll start talking more?" I ask him.

"Don't worry about me. I want people to know. I love you, okay?" He frowns, rubbing my belly.

I bite my lip and nod, my eyes watering as I press 'post.' I shut my phone off and lay it down, not wanting to see what people will say.

I decided on a picture I took today of me in the fields near Colby's house. I wanted to look happy, and I wanted people to know I'm 'happy.'

"It's okay," he whispers.

"What if it isn't?" I turn to face him.

"It will be. I got you," he glances down at his hand, "and our baby girl." He smiles at me, kissing my lips. I smile and nod, snuggling closer to him.

The Influence | Colby BrockTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang