Chapter 19: Dm's

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I wake up to Colby kissing my face, all around my cheeks and forehead. I giggle and push him away, my eyes adjusting to the light. "Let me sleep," I groan.

"It's 12 in the afternoon, and I have food for you." He smiles. I open my eyes and jump up, hitting my head on his in the process. I gasp and grab my forehead in pain, "I'm so sorry!" I laugh. He starts laughing as he holds his own head also. "Come on, I told you I got you food and you head butt me! Wow, such a bitch." He jokes. I open my eyes and slap his shoulder, laughing at his response.

I get up and follow him down the stares, his parents sitting on the couch watching the news. "Good morning!" I tell them.

"Good morning," his mom laughs. "How are you feeling?"

"You know, really good. I feel," I sigh, "I feel like weight has been lifted off me, you know?"

"It must feel good not having to hide," his dad says.

"It does," I laugh. Colby hands me the bag of In and Out after taking out his own food. I sit on the bar stool, opening my burger.

His mom gets up and walks over to the kitchen, taking one of Colby's fries before opening the fridge and grabbing a water. "Are you excited to have a girl?" She asks me.

I smile and nod, "I'm excited, but nervous."

"You're nervous? I don't know the first thing about girls!" Colby says dramatically.

"Well you must know a little bit to be having one," his dad laughs at him from the living room.

"Like we said, we're here every step of the way." His mom smiles at me, "I've raised a few girls in the foster system, it's tough but being able to relate and talk to them is the easiest way to take care of them. I promise you'll be amazing," she tells me.

"Thank you," I smile. Colby smiles at us while eating his food. I'm sure he's excited that I'm getting closer to his family. Andrea, Colby's mom, has been incredibly helpful. I couldn't thank her enough. And while John, Colby's dad, is a little more shy, he still always knows how to put a smile on my face. He has the general 'dad' sense of humor that I find enjoyable. I pray that Colby is the same way in the future.

My phone vibrates from beside me. I look down, seeing an Instagram dm. My eyebrows furrow and I open it, seeing a boys name.

"Jack Lundy requested to message you"

Lundy, why does that sound familiar?

I open the dm, the same picture of me unconscious was on my screen, along with a picture of my underwear.

"Seen your post about the baby, want me to show your boyfriend what we were doing just a few months ago?"

My breathing hitches, but I remain calm beside Colby. I feel my stomach drop, followed by nervous butterflies running through my belly. He would freak out if he knew the boy from the party was texting me. I ignore the message, focusing back on my food.

"Did I order it wrong?" Colby frowns.

I blink and look up, "N-No it's perfect. I just felt weird for a second." I smile.

"Do you need me to get you anything? Are you going to throw up?" Colby asks quickly.

"No," I laugh. "I'm okay."

I finish my food quickly, excusing myself. I grab my phone and throw away the bag. I suddenly feel nauseous, and I begin almost running up the stairs to Colby's bathroom. I shut the door behind me, sitting down on the toilet. I feel myself start to panic, but I try my best to calm down. The feeling intensifies and I stand up, opening the toilet as I throw up. I hold my chest as I begin to dry wheeze, trying to catch my breath. Colby knocks on the door, asking if I'm okay.

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