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perhaps the lime isn't as sour

as the lemon says.




"he will do very well, 

i can tell, i can tell-

keep me safe

in his bell tower, hotel."

lana del rey +++ national anthem

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lana del rey +++ national anthem




jungkook's POV

"say it again."

i ask from my spot on the couch. taehyung smiles at me with no hint of irritation in his features. we have an old movie called all the king's men playing on the television, but we're mainly ignoring it.

"i love you, jungkook."

it's been a day since he first told me those words, but somehow it never gets old. i squeeze his leg.

"i love you too, taehyung."

i pull the blanket farther up our legs, snuggling closer to the man at my side. in the movie, some trumpets chant out a daunting song as the protagonist heads into the court room. i personally don't know what taehyung finds so interesting in these movies--i think the strange accent of the actors and questionable visual quality of the films aren't things i'd normally spend my day with, but since they make taehyung happy, i find that i don't mind them.

"i love you." taehyung had said last night, kissing me before i had a chance to respond to him. "me and you, we're..."

"...forever!" the female lead gasps in the movie, hugging herself tightly against the male in the courtroom. i find myself doing the same, pulling taehyung into myself. around him i feel so much better--after he cleared up everything with me last night, i feel a little more worthy of him. i can't always be jealous of emily, i figured last night, because he's just spending time with her to help me. he hates her.

he loves me.

"baby..." taehyung purrs in my ear. i already know what he's implying and i don't hesitate to crawl onto his lap. his hands work their way into my hair, like a comforting comb for my locks. he brings my lips to his, ever so slowly.

this is what we've been up to all day. 

watch a few minutes of whatever movie is on. ask him to tell me he loves me. snuggle. he kisses me for a while. we eat. watch a few more minutes of a new movie. don't really pay attention. i look up at his features, admire them. now i ask-

"do you really love me?"

against his lips. he bites down gently on my lower lip, sucking on it a little. his hands work their way under my shirt to rub up and down my back, and i arch into his touch.

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