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nobody knows this little rose —
it might a pilgrim be
did I not take it from the ways
and lift it up to thee.
only a bee will miss it —
only a butterfly,
hastening from far journey —
on its breast to lie —
only a bird will wonder —
only a breeze will sigh —
ah little rose — how easy
for such as thee to die! -Emily Dickinson

only a bee will miss it —only a butterfly,hastening from far journey —on its breast to lie —only a bird will wonder —only a breeze will sigh —ah little rose — how easyfor such as thee to die! -Emily Dickinson

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the unwanted decision

After her little breakdown in the English room, Angeline tried to act as normal as possible. She rolled her eyes at Charlie's horrible jokes, laughed at Knox's pathetic pining for Chris, and leaned into Steven's overflowing amount of affection. Keeping a smile on her face, albeit a fake one, was one of the ways that the girl could get the rest of the boys off her back without explaining the problem.

The girl sat alone in her dorm, flipping through upcoming papers and homework assignments. Although her mind was consciously focused on the task at hand, the girl was subconsciously thinking about the future. However scary it seemed, Angeline knew that the outcome was already final, there was no changing her father's mind. The only way to get out of the marriage would effectively get her thrown out of the family, just like her brother. But that would mean that all she'd worked for: the outstanding grades, the tremendous list of extracurriculars, the acceptance into the county's best prep school, all down the drain.

Was it worth it? Her dreams over her family? Should she prioritize her own gain over her father's, her mother's? Should she just leave the people who raised her, all for a chance at a non-guaranteed lifestyle? Or should she stay and be the girl everyone expects her to be, and help the people she loves most regain their social status?

Blowing a huff of air out, the girl piled the papers together and shoved them back in to their respective folders. Standing up and dusting off her sweater, which she was pretty sure belonged to Todd, Angeline brushed the hair out of her face and grabbed the book lying on the nightstand.

Walking outside towards "her" studying tree, and promptly sliding down the trunk once she got close, Angeline opened the book to a random page, which was covered in small scrawled words of differing colors. Pulling out a blue pen from the pocket of the sweater, she began to circle and highlight certain lines, all while writing little notes in the margins. Nodding her head along with a beat only heard in her head, the girl continued to flip through the book, making necessary marks here and there.

The girl only stopped when a shadow began to loom over her. Angeline looked up to see Meeks, holding two apples, standing over her with an unreadable expression.

"Want one?" Holding out the larger apple to the girl, the boy allowed for Angeline to make the first move. Smiling and taking the fruit from the boy's hand, the girl patted the ground as an invitation for him to sit. Sitting down, and taking a couple moments to get comfortable, Steven peered silently at the girl through his glasses.

rain and roses - steven meeksWhere stories live. Discover now