Chapter Twenty-Five

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Dinner was formal. I was silently thanking everyone who had made me attend the formal dinner the night before when I realized that was probably why last night's dinner had occurred. I mean, how often does just the family sit down to a twenty course meal? I was running out of room on my mental list of things to ask Marinette.

When we finished eating, there were speeches that I let float in one ear and out the other while trying to maintain an interested and active facial expression. I clapped politely with everyone else once the last speech and a tribute to the king had ended.

Without any invitation or warning, again, the chair was pulled out from under me by an attendant and I was forced to shoot my feet under me as fast as possible. I stood up with all the grace of a baby giraffe, but no one seemed to notice except Madeline, who was kind enough to hide her snicker behind her dainty hand.

"Let us attend our ball," King Richard spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear, his tone commanding and powerful. He's a little scary when he talks like that.

I followed Queen Adele's lead and walked to the left of my chair, facing King Richard. As if peeling back a banana peel, the gentlemen from the far end of the table walked back towards the king, bowing as they passed him. Each in turn walked past me until finally Clarence stood beside me, turning to face King Richard.

A second later, Clarence bowed and Queen Adele curtseyed and I followed suit. As soon as that was complete, Clarence turned to face away from his father and offered me his arm in the same manner as he had when we descended the stairs to start this whole evening. I turned away from King Richard and placed my hand in Clarence's. It was only then that I noticed the lengthy line of nobles in front of me, just as they had been before entering the ballroom.

No one would ever accuse the royals of being simplistic.

"The worst is over," Clarence whispered as we waited for the people in front of us to leave the room. "Eating in front of people is always so awkward."

"You can say that again," I said, hoping it was too low for him to hear. His smile said it was not.

I followed when he led me down off the platform and through the aisles between tables as we followed the procession of people in front of us.

* * *

When we arrived in the ballroom, another crowd of guests was already gathered, curtseying and bowing as Clarence and I walked in and not rising back up until the king and queen had passed. Something about surviving the dinner made me relax in this room full of smiling people.

After snaking through the room, probably so everyone could get a good look at us, I followed Clarence out onto the dance floor and took position for our opening dance. The expansive space of the dance floor was illuminated by crystal chandeliers that sparkled as the lights flickered like a flame.

I stood across from Clarence as King Richard and Queen Adele joined us on the floor, standing about ten feet away from us. The room was a low hum of chatter as everyone strained to find a place where they could see the dance floor.

Clarence pulled me out of my investigations of the crowd. "Should I ask you if you're ready?" He smiled and winked.

"You should not and I am not." I looked around at the clambering crowd before adding, "You saw me practicing. I'm awful."

"It's all in the lead." He smiled, taking my hand as the opening notes filled the room.

"You better hope so," I took his hand and picked up my skirt in my free hand. "Or your feet will get even more bruised than they already are."

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