Chapter Twenty-Six

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We were pulled around the room by a constant stream of people who all seemed to want their moment with the prince and his new almost-princess. I was used to talking to people and didn't mind a good party, but even I was exhausted by the time we finally reached the refreshments.

I bet everyone else was tired of me, too, because all I could talk about was the weather and myself. I'd have to get Janet to give me some facts or current events about Montalivet at some point, so I could be more entertaining at parties. I couldn't even answer what my favourite part of the country was!

As we extracted ourselves from the last group of guests, I was finally standing face-to-face with the food. The man doling out the miniscule sandwiches wore a very fancy uniform and picked everything up with an extremely small set of gold tongs, so I didn't have much hope of actually getting anything real to eat.

I leaned close to Clarence and whispered so no one could hear me. "Is there a way to get any actual food out of this guy or do I have to eat square inches all evening?"

He shook his head and smiled. Turning to the waiter, he pointed at the sandwiches. "We'd like four please."

The waiter bowed his head. "Of course, Your Highness."

"So the secret is to ask them, then?"

"Yes, it's a very difficult royal custom to master, I know."

Look at him making jokes.

I laughed more loudly than I intended, and felt the eyes of the room turn towards me. Something about being watched all the time made a party a lot less fun.

The waiter handed the sandwiches directly to me and I thanked him, carefully taking small bites in case a camera caught me.

When someone came up and tapped my shoulder, my muscles tensed and I tried to keep a neutral expression as I turned around. I was tremendously relieved to see Princess Madeline standing there. At least that means one less conversation about the weather or the palace.

I finished chewing as I curtseyed. "Hello, Princess Madeline. What brings you here?"

"I'm here for Mummy," she answered to me, but turned her face to Clarence. "We are all requested in the drawing room for the official royal portrait."

I looked at Clarence, who seemed apprehensive.

"Oh, don't worry about me." I smiled. "Now that I know the secret to getting food here, I'll be just fine on my own."

"That's not--" he sighed. "Madeline, please let mother know I will be there momentarily. I must speak to Genevieve first."

Her eyes darted between the two of us, but she curtseyed and left.

A young boy and his father approached us before Clarence had the chance to explain, so I didn't ask, instead choosing to focus on the young boy.

"How is your evening?" I asked him, crouching down so I could look him in the eyes. "Are you having fun?"

The smile already plastered on his face grew even larger and his eyes twinkled in the light of the room. "Oh yes, Ma'am. I've never been any place so fancy in my whole life!"

I chuckled a little. All four years of it?

"You know, I don't think I've been anywhere this fancy in my whole life, either." I smiled at him.

His eyes grew wider. "Really?"

I nodded. "Really."

"Ma'am your dress is beautiful," he sighed, stepping towards me as his father held him back by the shoulder.

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