Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The air grew colder the longer we sat on the terrace. As the sky darkened, the stars shone brighter and seemed to illuminate the terrace in twinkling flames.

"It's beautiful here." I leaned down to adjust my shoe so it sat more comfortably on my foot. "I could stay forever."

"I always feel that way when I'm here, but then I remember I have duties."

"Yeah, that can't be fun," I sighed, wishing my dress allowed me to move more comfortably.

"I actually meant right now." He stood up and held out his hand. "We have to get back to officially leave that ball."

"But we haven't been at that ball in over an hour." I stood up and took his hand, hoping he would explain so I wouldn't have to keep asking questions.

"Weird royal thing, I guess." He led me back inside and quietly closed the door. "We have to officially leave. Another photo opportunity, probably, but they'll tell you it's so the people can see us again."

"You don't believe it's for the people?"

We were walking at a swift pace and my shoe was back to rubbing against my blister, so I tried not to wince in pain when he picked up the pace even further.

"I-" he stopped himself. "I think that's a story for another day."

There seem to be a lot of stories for another day, I thought, but he's probably right. It isn't the time.

We scurried through the hallways until we were back in front of the doors to the ballroom.

"Ready?" Clarence asked me. When I nodded at him, the guards opened the doors and we slipped back into the party surprisingly unnoticed.

"Shall we?" he asked, sweeping his arm towards the dance floor.

The weight of everything that had passed between us since our last dance hung over me, but with all of these people watching, there was no way I could refuse.

"Of course." I smiled and followed him onto the dance floor, remembering to pick up my skirt as he pulled me close with his arm pressed tight against my back.

When the music began, I followed where he led, ignoring the eyes of a hundred people on my back and the flash of the cameras.

Clarence put his cheek next to mine and whispered while we danced, "You look lovely in that dress, by the way. I meant to tell you earlier but we were late."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart and keep my palms from getting super sweaty. I managed to croak out a thank you, though I'm sure my nerves betrayed me.

Clarence took a deep breath. A few moments later, as the dance was about to come to an end, he whispered, "No, Genevieve. Thank you."

I steeled my face to hide my emotions, whatever those are.

As I curtseyed to him to end the dance, I could see the king on the edge of the dance floor, applauding with the crowd. His jolly smile reached his eyes, and I knew he was proud of his son. A nagging feeling inside told me that pride had something to do with me, but I couldn't think about that right now. I had a ball to close. Which meant one more official dance.

I stepped back into Clarence as King Richard guided with Queen Adele out onto the dance floor, and everyone else cleared to the sides.

"All eyes on us now," Clarence said into my ear.

His face is so close to mine, and if I turned it just a little bit, I could--

But no. With the cameras so close, I couldn't risk it. I turned my head away slightly, forcing myself to resist the temptation.

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