Chapter Forty-Seven

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I stayed as far away from Clarence as I could during the meeting, making sure Semret and Janet were up-to-date with their information and tasks for the event. Then, I left them to discuss details with Clarence while I went downstairs to check the dark green room we were having our event in. I could never remember the technical name for it.

It took me hours to make sure everything was in just the right place, and then I sent Janet and Semret in to make sure everything stayed perfect. I had busted my butt for a week and a half over this, spending countless hours with my head in contracts or skipping breakfast so I could finalize locations. I was not letting it fall apart at the last second over a lack of attention to detail.

"I'll be back when it officially opens. I don't remember all the rules, but I do remember the hosts are supposed to be there to welcome their guests."

"Very funny, Genevieve." Janet glared at me and shook her head before following Semret into the room, ordering around one of the staff as soon as she did. So very Janet, I laughed to myself and hurried upstairs to my room.

"Marinette?" I called when I entered my sitting room. "I need my final touches now. And different shoes, I think."

"Miss," Olivia spoke, curtseying after she rounded the corner. "Marinette is busy with a task from Prince Alexandre, so I will be here to assist you."

"Of course." I smiled. "Thank you. I need some new shoes and just to double check everything is in place before I go to this event. Don't want any embarrassing photographs."

"No, we do not." Olivia let me into my room. "If you'll wait at the dressing table, Miss, I will get your shoes and then get started." She looked me up and down, calculating everything that needed to be done, no doubt, and then rushed into my enormous closet I had never actually set foot in.

New, appropriate heels were placed on my feet, and my make up and hair were touched up to perfection.

"I think we're done," I said, smiling into the mirror at Olivia's reflection. "Thank you."

"Not quite." She held up her finger. "I have something from Queen Adele for you." She walked over to a drawer in the wall and pulled out a small package wrapped in forest green fabric. When she unwrapped whatever was inside, it caught the light from the sun and scattered it around the room.

"Wow," I whispered, tracing my fingers along the cold silver metal that made up the decorative hair comb. "Are those diamonds?"

Olivia couldn't quite stifle her giggle. "Sorry, Miss. Yes, those are diamonds." She slid her fingers into my hair and deftly added the comb to the left side of my twist. It sparkled perfectly, making me look more regal than I felt.

"Thank you," I said, touching it to make sure it would stay. "It's beautiful."

"It's from the queen," she reminded me.

"Yes, well. I'll have to thank her, too." I stood up and took one last look at myself in the mirror before leaving. I reached up to feel the comb in my hair again, noticing for the first time how much it looked like I was wearing a tiara. I could get used to this, I thought as I left the room.

But first, I have to get through this.

I sauntered down the hallway with alarming speed, not wanting to be late to greet Clarence or leave our guests waiting longer than was appropriate.

I was moving so quickly that palace staff were flattening themselves against walls to make sure they didn't get in my way. On a normal day, I would have apologized profusely to each one, but today I had other things on my mind. Life-altering things. I have to get this right, I repeated my mantra to myself just as I rounded the last corner towards Clarence's office.

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