Chapter 17 - By a different name

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"Ok let's try this again," focusing your energy you picture a shadow behind you. Opening your eyes you look to see shadow smiling. "Oh fuck!" You stumble away making the shadow disappear. "No! I'm sorry, come back!" Groaning when nothing comes out you focus your energy back and wait for a shadow to appear. Looking back up you smile and see the shadow looking shy. "Hi, I'm sorry if I scared you," Sitting down you watch as the shadow moves to the front of you. "Can you talk?" You wait in silence until it speaks.

"Yeah, I can," widening your eyes it seems to cower. "Sorry, I can shut up!"

"No! No that's fine! I just want to know what you are..." the shadow picks at its palm, a nervous habit you also had.

"Well isn't it obvious? I'm your shadow," you chuckle and nod before asking another question.

"Have I always had you? As in since I died...?"

"Yeah... you didn't really know about it obviously..." you give a soft smile at the shy shadow.

"Do you need anything?"

"I'm a shadow, does it look like I drink and eat?" It says mockingly before covering its mouth. "Sorry, that was rude! I'm so sorry-" you burst into laughter making the shadow confused.

"No! That's fine, that was very fair..." you look around the room. "Look, I think I need to learn how to control you... as horrible as that sounds,"

"No I get it," the shadow smiles making you laugh. "Let's start with simple stuff yeah? Try making me do something,"


"That was perfect!" You high-five the shadow as you bit into the candy bar.

"And you made me do it!" You smile down at the shadow who grinned. "Soon you can take over all of hell!" You stop in your tracks and look down at the shadow. "I'm kidding! Calm down, Jeez," you roll your eyes and unlock your apartment door.

"We have a gig at 7 so that gives us..." checking the clock you smile. "Two hours,"

"Perfect, I'm taking a nap," you roll your eyes at the shadow who hung upside down off the bed.

"You don't even sleep!"


Placing the hood over your head you wrap yourself up tightly and make your way down the street and past a bunch of sleezy demons. Entering the back of the club you walk to your dressing room and quickly change into your signature red dress. Applying a dark shade of lipstick to your lips you place on your gloves after fixing your hair. Looking down you fiddle with Alastors ruby necklace and sigh. Humming the soft tune of tonight's song of choice you wait backstage for your cue.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Nightingale!" You walk onto the dark stage and take your place. Lowering your head you wait for the song to start.

Birds flying high
You know how I feel

You started the slow song, softly singing into the microphone. A few whoops were heard making you grin.

Sun in the sky
You know how I feel

Looking up slowly you watch as the men wolf whistle and so do some women. Glancing over the crowd you close your eyes and sing the next part with an innocent tone.

Breeze driftin' on by
You know how I feel

Opening your eyes, you wink at a table of men who threw a rose in front of you and wolf whistled more.

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me

Smiling you sing the last sentence of the verse and grin at the crowd who stare in awe.

And I'm feeling good...
I'm feeling good...

Continuing the song you sway slowly to the tune. Grabbing the mic with both hands you sing sweetly, showing of your singing skills on different notes. A few demons place tips in the jar by the stage, giving a smirk to you. The instrumental starts giving you plenty of time to compose yourself for the ending.

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
It's a new life
For me!

Smiling eventually you finish the song as you take a glance at the front row. The ending tune plays while you stare directly into crimson eyes. Your heart drops as it goes silent, the crowd roars with claps as whoops of delight.

"Nightingale!" The host gestures to you as the crowd goes wild. You quickly leave the stage as soon as possible, you heart picking up it's pace. Running to your dressing room you collapse on your chair and sigh.

"Fuck... fuck!" You shadow appears behind you in the mirror.

"What's wrong?"

"Alastor was in the crowd!" You growl.

"Yes I know... now maybe you can go back to the hotel!" You deadpan to the shadow and take off your gloves.

"No way, I can't face them-"

"Nightingale!" Mimzy bursts through your door happily just as your Shadow disappears. "Darling, that was wonderful! You did brilliantly!" You hug your boss.

"Thanks, Mimz," she hands you your pay and tips.

"Oh, I have someone for you to meet don't be scared of him though, he is a sweetheart," it felt like a punch to the guts as Alastor enters your dressing room. "Nightingale, this is Alastor, a good friend of mine,"

"Al..." Mimzy quirks a brow at the two of you.

"I'm guessing you both know each other?"

"I know her by a different name of course..." Alastor smiles as Mimzy nods.

"Well, I have a few things to take care of..." Mimzy was quick to leave the tense atmosphere.

"What are you doing here?" You mumble, sitting back down in your chair.

"I could ask you the same, my dear," you sigh and remove your makeup.

"I needed space..."

"Space doesn't mean four months, Y/n!" He quickly composed himself.

"Space will be however long I mean it to be... you aren't one to dictate that, Alastor," walking behind a folding screen you undressed and continued to talk. "I needed time to figure things out,"

"Yes, but we could have helped you," rolling your eyes you fix your blouse and walk back out.

"After what I did to Charlie? Fuck no,"

"That was an accident, wasn't it?" You start your answer with a 'yes' but he cuts you off. "Then that's fine! Y/n, what you did was an accident, and was out of your control," you chuckle and place the hood over your head.

"It should have been in my control," you shut off the mirror lights and sigh.

"Y/n..." Walking out the door Alastor followed in suit. "Y/n," Once outside you walks down the chilly streets ignoring the demon. "Y/n!" He goes to grab your arm but your shadow was quick to defend you. "What-"

"Leave me alone, you're all doing better without me anyways," hurrying down the street you turn the corner and disappear from sight.


Smexy ✨

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Smexy ✨

Also I need sleep- I- I'm writing chapter 34- I don't know where this book is going- help 😌

- Anna ❤️

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