Chapter 15

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It was a Wednesday afternoon and I was curled up in my bed watching YouTube videos. School had not occurred for me today because I had picked up an insufferable pathogen, which has left me feeling all sickly and crappy. 

Despite how shitty I felt, I was so desperate not to miss a day of learning that I still tried to make it into school this morning. However, I made it no further than the kitchen before proceeding to empty last night's shepherd's pie all over the immaculately clean kitchen floors. 

My mum who was still eating her breakfast was far from impressed. She gave me a nasty glare before sending me straight back upstairs while muttering something about me being too much of a nerd for my own good. 

 It's not my fault that when you miss one day of school, you seem to be trying to catch up for weeks on end.

My phone then flashed indicating I had a text message and I picked it up assuming it was going to be another text from May or Chloe checking if I was still alive but surprisingly it was Ethan. 

Things had gone back to normal after the party and we were back to our normal bickering and poking fun of each other type dynamic. 

So, to put it bluntly, Ethan was back to being his normal dick-ish and annoying self. I really should have savoured the precious few days where he was ignoring me.

Satan XX: Are you dead?

I rolled my eyes when I read his text. I had changed his number to Satan a while ago because it seemed a much better fit than the self-righteous name he had put in before. 

I hadn't shown up for one measly day and the idiot's first thought was that I was dead.

 He was such a fucking moron.

Me: Yes Ethan. I died.

I texted him back sarcastically. If he was going to ask me a stupid question, he was going to get a stupid response. 

He texted me back almost immediately.

Satan XX: That's strange. I didn't know dead people could text.

I just decided to blank him by not saying anything more but he did not seem to take the hint as I saw two new messages pop up on the screen. I was tempted not to read them, but curiosity got the better of me and I peeked.

Satan XX: Look I know you're sick Mia. Do you need anything?

Satan XX: Actually, never mind I'm coming over. See you in 15 minutes! 😊

I sat up quickly in shock upon reading the message not being able to believe his audacity. 

Who did this boy think he was to just invite himself around like that? 

 Especially when I looked all ugly and gross. 

You know what fuck him! Since I'm the only one home, I'm going to teach him a lesson and not answer the door.

Around 15 minutes later, the doorbell rang as expected. I smiled smugly, knowing the idiot was never going to get in. After a few seconds, he rang the doorbell again. 

And again.

 And again.

 I could faintly hear him from all the way downstairs yelling, "MIA OPEN THE DOOR."

He was eventually going to want to give up out of boredom or the doorbell would run out of battery, I honestly didn't care which one came first. 

Finally, there were no more rings and I smiled triumphantly knowing that he had given up. I then pressed play on my YouTube video-again and snuggled deeper underneath my duvet and letting out a contented sigh.

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